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Re: CT guided nerve blocks
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:29 am
by Violet M
Len, that's what I have read and heard also --that there is some radiation risk from CT scans. Pudendal nerve blocks can be given at the ischial spine using fluoroscopy but not into Alcock's canal. Some docs use ultrasound which is ideal because there's no radiation involved but I don't know if anyone in Israel does.
Re: CT guided nerve blocks
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:19 pm
by Len
Thank you Violet.
Re: CT guided nerve blocks
Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:53 am
by MNMom
My cousin is a neurologist who went to Duke Med School. She recommended the nerve blocks (with Antolak) and also has been in touch with several urologists she knew in school who routinely send their patients to Antolak with great long-term results. My orthopedic also has several patients who have had great success with the blocks.
Maybe most registered users on this forum have exhausted these efforts and/or have long-term pain. I believe many people are getting help from the blocks and don't feel the need to search further, hence we don't see their stories on this site. I certainly wish I was one of them, I have had only a little relief from the blocks.
I do not believe these blocks are something to be overly concerned about. It would be a shame if some of these comments were to scare anyone off who is considering them.