Hi all, thank you so much for all the posts, you guys gave me a lot to think about. I also think I have a piriformis issue because when I stretch the piriformis muscle it does not seem so painful, and on the days I do not stretch it does seem tighter , I spoke to Dr. Conway about this he did not feel it was a muscle issue!!! also I was diagnosed with one leg longer than the other, my left being the shorter one ,coincidence I dunno, also when I was going to PT I was told my pelvis was twisted , I did have some manipulations done, but did not seem to help.
As far as my SI joints my Doc here thought that it might be it, I had SIJ injections that did not take my left sided pain away.
Dr Potter went over the MRI with me and showed me the right side and I do not know what it is suppose to look like but , it definitely looked different from my left, she even described my left as a flattened worm and there was no fat there to protect it. the right side really did look good had a nice layer of fat there!! I asked her about my piriformis and SIJs ,she told me they look great , but she did have a full view of the SIJs.
I do not think there is such a thing as classic PN symptoms, even before my last surgery my symptoms changed almost daily . and I never got relief from sitting on a toilet , like you read about, so I do not think there really are anything about PN that is easy to diagnose.
I am going to call Dr Conway tomorrow , and get his take on this whole thing, but I do feel at this time that I am only going to have my left done and pray that it helps.
[quote="nyt"]I agree with Hermajesty on the piriformis. My hip and butt ached so bad 3 years ago esp. on the right side and radiating down the back of my legs to the heels in my feet I could barely walk it was so painful and it was all due to piriformis. If I keep my piriformis under control the sciatica stays tolerable and my butt pain is so much better. It has been regular trigger point injections (every 6-8 weeks), regular visits to a chiro to get my hips back into alignment because the muscle spasms knocked me out of alignment, TENS unit (I use it several hours a day), cold laser therapy treatments, and weekly piriformis massage with a massage therapist. This is something you should talk with Dr. Conway about because surgery could potentially really aggrevate this. Some of my piriformis pain is better since surgery but I have a long ways to go before no more piriformis pain but I am hopeful I'll get there so the above therapies continue.
NYT when you say that some of your pirifomis pain is better since surgery , do you mean PN surgery ?? sorry for all the questions.. but my symptoms are very similiar to what you are describing , I get pain all the way down to my foot , but the pain is not only in my back of my leg but also the front.
Karyn, I will be having someone with me, poor guy did not know what he signed on for , I will have to look into the Extended Stay ,thank you , because i can just not afford the Residence, and I really like the ones with the kitchens, after my last PN surgery I was mostly eating soup and crackers, the pain meds made me so sick.
The thought of going through this surgery again is so frightening , I remember saying after the first one never, never again, and here I am, the things we have to do to get out of pain!!
Thanks everyone for all the replies , it really makes me feel a lot better about things. I appreciate it so much !!!
Have a great day , and please forgive my bad spelling