
Welcome to HOPE. We have tried to provide a place for newcomers to make their introductions. We will try our best to make you welcome and guide you through our website and Forum and assist you as best as we can through any questions you have regarding Pudendal Neuralgia.
Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:25 pm
Location: Los Angeles

Re: help

Post by NewMom »

so glad to hear that Jamie! (big sigh of relief) :D
Newly diagnosed PN sufferer (March 2011) caused from a very difficult childbirth in Jan 2011 (1st baby). On Neurontin and Nucynta. Tried PT & accupuncture. Restarting PT with Julie Sarton. Appt with Dr. Castellanos in June. Sitting very painful and also unable to stand or walk without pain.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:03 am

Re: help

Post by desperatehousewife »

Hi there, I know this is an older post but hoping I can help. I too have problems walking, although I think my problem is more related to a seperated symphysis pubis. However, that being said, I can recommend some great shoes! I highly recommend seeing your local chiropracter or orthopedic surgeon to get fitted for orthotics to make sure you are alligned properly. Unfortunately for us ladies that enjoy wearing pretty footwear, orthotics only fit in crocks and runners in my experience anyways. Secondly, since it is summer, I also highly recommend "Flipits". They are $100.00 flip flops with amazing sponginess that absorb all types of shock. I also own a pair of Earth Origins that are spongy as well that do the trick but aren't nearly as expensive. My house is entirely hardwood floored on the main floor, so I have to always wear supportive footwear even in my house and avoid concrete surfaces such as the mall :(. Hope this helps!
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