Clitoral pain has returned

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Clitoral pain has returned

Post by candice-marie88 »


I have posted on the forum many times in the past about the clitoral pain I have experienced, which really has affected my life and caused me to develop depression/anxiety. I am 23 years old and the pain initially started four years ago in January 2007 after masturbation. Although I had never used a vibrator I believe that I caused damage to nerves in my clitoris as the pain started instantly after a very intense orgasm. Before this I was masturbating around 3 times a night, one after the other. I remember noticing sensitivity around a week before the chronic pain began, but I thought nothing of it and I never realised it was possible to cause nerve damage to this part of the body.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I was in constant pain for six months, which gradually eased and I was able to have enjoyable sex and orgasm again without pain; however, this was fairly short-lived as I started to experience clitoral pain again in March 2008. This time I began having nerve pain in other areas of my body, such as my legs, feet, hands, arms and my head. Between March 2008 and July 2010 it has been on and off and I have had one orgasm since which was in summer 2010, which amazingly caused little pain.

Since July 2010 I have rarely had any pain, which caused me to get my life back together and begin my studies again. I am currently in my first year at university. I have been able to have sex, but not orgasm. I doubt I will ever have another orgasm again because of the terrible pain I have been through. This is very frustrating and has caused me to become very depressed.

Last week I was cleaning my windows in my bedroom and was stood on my desk, when i slipped and fell back onto my chair, legs apart!!! so i basically landed on the back of the chair on my vagina. The pain was excruciating and my clitoris looks really swolen still. I have developed even more pain elsewhere in my body then I had last time and my head feels so tight that it might explode. I feel so stressed and anxious at the moment, I have panic attacks all the time and fear that I will die from this.

I visited my gp and explained what had happened but she said nothing appaeared to be wrong and that it could be a yeast infection, even though i specifically said i had fallen on my vagina and badly hit my clit and fear i have a nerve injury... she didn't agree as everything looks fine. I don't really know what I expected since in the past this was the usual response from doctors... thrush, a water infection etc. She also tried to pass it off as anxiety/stress since I have been in a lot about my panic attacks and fear of death which developed last year. So now because of my medical history, they thing its psychological.

I just can't believe this has happened again, I feel extremely sensative, achey, like i'm being stabbed down there, a really hot, knife like pain which travels to my head and causes me to feel sick. I also feel as if i'm being strangled and both sitting and lysing down cause me severe pain.. standing and gentle walking somewhat ease it. This is now causing me to fall behind with my studies and I fear I will fail the year now. I thought I had overcome the worst of it and the nerves were gradually healing and one day I would be completely cured, but not anymore, back to square one and I really do feel i'd be bettter off dead since I can't handle another minute of this horrible pain. :( :x
little mo
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Re: Clitoral pain has returned

Post by little mo »

Hello Candice
you sound so distressed I just had to write to you...not everyone takes advice and my mum always used to say advice was second hand!! so ..there is one thing for sure ..absolute fact this is one has ever died from panic attacks, you probably think that's hard to believe, and so would I had I never had them myself , real bad ones I would freeze just frezze in the middle of a busy road it was nothing to do with the road or traffic just a panic attack that decided to happen there and then I suppose if you think about that one that's probably the nearest a panic attack could come to killing any one should have a little smile on that one.
I can't remember if you said what treatment you recieved the last time you had clitoral pain so that's a question? was the masturbation due to sexual over arousal due to the clitoral pain? (that was when it was three times one after another) Where do you feel the clitoral pain inside the body or out? Have you asked for something to tide you over with your anxieties untill you get some explanations.
Are you seeing a female doctor...they would be a little more sympathetic. Something else I thought of ..what ever is offered you in terms of physcological care TAKE IT it is your short cut to being listened to and getting help medical help that is..and talking is good and these people know when it's medical I can assure you of that sweetheart.
So what have you been given for the pain? I hope it's something that will help with nerve pain and there are plenty of people suffering that .
I also have clitoral pain which started as a lump behind the clitoris inside the body...I could not get any one to understand and nothing showed on scans etc. so yeah you can understand where they are coming from..if I couldn't see something it would be a bit difficult to believe it's there don't you think? but you know ..hang on to that. If you could have pain relief you would be able to move forward aye? you are not alone...problem is Candice , because you are desperate you have ploughed through the stigma and embarrasement to write ...imagine all the women that can't find that courage so... you know you have that! so what have we are brave, you have courage , you want to get better, you are asking for help,you now know you won't die from panic attacks ..yopu also know medication is out there for you ...go ask. Always have some nice thoughts you can draw on when you feel low, imagine yourself well and healthy and top marks at school. what is more important you are not alone...and we all know there are very few doctors with pudendal nerve damage knowledge so educate them....ask for some investigations into the area you hurt yourself with that fall (gosh how unlucky was that?) anyway sweetie get on your case...become your own case manager and get the help you need to become a whole person again you have youth on your side...good luck I hope this has helped don't despair you will get better I promeise.
lots of love from Mo
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Re: Clitoral pain has returned

Post by Violet M »

Candice, it's great that you were able to get back into your studies. I'm sorry about your latest set-back but if you healed once, you can hope that you will heal again. Keep fighting!
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Clitoral pain has returned

Post by Herebciamsad »

Hello, I have been currently going through the same thing. I am aware this was years ago, but they way you described your pain sounds exactly like mine (started the same way as well.). I've never been able to describe how I felt. I wish I could ask you things. I'm sorry for the disturbance.
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Re: Clitoral pain has returned

Post by Finding-Strength »

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through the same thing. It sounds really tough and I can relate to struggling to find the words to describe what you are feeling. I posted on here years ago about my clitoral pain and symptoms and I only returned recently as I am experiencing the worst symptoms I've had in years. I was diagnosed with Vulvodynia in 2019. I believe I have Clitorodynia as the pain and sensitivity mainly affects this area. I am awaiting another referral to a vulva specialist but I think it is quite a long waiting list. I'm happy to chat or answer any questions you have.
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