Penile numbness/loss of sensation

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Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by AL456 »

Penile numbness

Hi, I’m new here.
34M with 3 months of numbness in penis and scrotum.
The circumstances in which it came on are confusing. I was in the middle of a mycoplasma pneumonia infection that had me bedridden for days. One of the nights during the mycoplasma pneumonia I lost consciousness and fell onto my tailbone (which resulted in a coccyx fracture to the 1st segment).
Over the next few days I had intense pain in the lower back, with tingling and numbness to the legs, and numbness to the penis and scrotum and buttocks. I presented to hospital who eventually did:
- MRI of spine
- CT of lumbar spine.
- lumbar puncture.

Nothing of importance was detected other than mild disc bulges and mild bilateral ligamentum flavum hypertrophy or mild left neural foraminal narrowing with no nerve impingement which was deemed not to be associated with my symptoms. I have since been seen by a neurologist who ordered a further MRI of the Pelvis, which only detected a fractured coccyx, yet nothing to any of the nerves in the pelvic region (including the pudendal nerve).
I also had Nerve conduction studies to the legs and hand, and EMG on leg which showed no abnormality.
He believes it isn’t related to the fall or the coccyx fracture but possibly due to a “para infectious” disease that has attacked the nerves such as GBS or the likes. I will note that I have a history of autoimmunes symptoms (scleritis, pains in joints, rashes etc).
Got an MRI of brain done yesterday (awaiting results).

Anyone been through this? And has anyone had numbness in this region ever return??

Can’t feel any sensitive touch and also have near no orgasm feeling. Anus was numb too.
I will note that prior to this injury I had numbness and buzzing and tingling in my feet and legs with reduced sensation and was already being looked into for neurological problems, but nothing is ever found.
Have seen Pelvic floor PT who believes it has to be the pudendal nerve causing the loss of sensation and dynsfuction.
I honestly am gobsmacked and have no idea what has happened! Anyone gone through this and had recovery?
What I do know is that the pudendal nerve is definitely impacted and I have no answers from anyone really.
Last edited by AL456 on Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Violet M
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by Violet M »

Hi AL456,

That's a very difficult illness you have been through and are continuing to go through.

I wish I could answer your questions with some certainty. In 20 years of moderating the forum, I have not heard of the type of experience you have described, and I can't say for sure what is causing the numbness or whether you will recover, but there are several things to consider.

1. Some of the pudendal nerve surgeons have said that MRI's don't always show an impingement on the pudendal nerve, even when there is one. So, I wouldn't consider it completely ruled out just because the images didn't show anything. But that doesn't mean you should immediately conclude you have an impingement and head for PNE surgery. However, if you want to pursue all of your options, you could get an opinion from a PN surgeon, or at least email one of PN surgeons for their take on your situation, especially if the genital numbness was pretty immediate after the fall. Some of them might be willing to do a telehealth appointment and look at your MRI's for a second opinion if you are unable to travel.
Also, you might want to ask if the MRI included the lumbosacral plexus.

Hollis Potter in New York has developed special software settings on MRI's to enhance the nerves, and there are locations in the US who have adopted her protocol. Her contact info is at the following link: ... icians/#NY (scroll down to her listing). Another option to consider.

2. You say you had tingling in some of your extremities prior to the fall, but it sounds like the genital numbness was pretty immediate right after the fall. Am I understanding that correctly? If that's correct, to me, it seems significant that the genital numbness started right after the fall. Obviously, the pudendal nerve innervates the areas you are describing, but did the PT suggest any type of mechanism or reason for why they think the pudendal nerve would be causing the dysfunction? If you are still able to urinate and have BM's normally, that would mean there is still some motor function intact. Some physicians do electromyography of the perineal muscles that are innervated by the pudendal nerve (bulbospongiousus and ischiocavernosus) so that would be something to consider.

3. If the pudendal nerve was injured in the fall, generally speaking peripheral nerves can heal over time if there is no impingement on the nerve that continues to cause damage. But it could take some time. However, if there is damage higher up than the peripheral nerve, that would be a little more dicey.

4. Infections can damage the nerve but it might depend on the extent of the damage as to whether you will recover. Did the neurologist offer you any hope of recovery if the numbness is due to infection?

5. Hopefully, your PT evaluated you for pelvic misalignment or instability due to the ligaments being damaged during the fall. If you have instability or misalignment, it could mean the ligaments are impinging on your nerve. That would likely not show up on an MRI.

6. If you conclude that there is no continuing impingement/entrapment of the pudendal nerve, you could consider hyperbaric oxygen treatments to promote nerve healing. I was told by Dr. Antolak that it would not be effective if the nerve is entrapped. I was able to get insurance to pay for half of my treatments since there is some literature supporting hyperbaric oxygen for healing nerves. Also, I did a lot of hydrotherapy - alternating hot/cold sitz baths, because it stimulates blood flow to promote healing and remove toxins. Two minutes very warm water alternating with 30 seconds ice cold water, alternating 4 times and doing this 4 times a day is what I did after my PNE surgery.

Hopefully some of our other members will be able to answer your questions based on their experiences. I wish you all the best with your recovery and treatments.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by Violet M »

AL456 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:04 am

Anyone been through this? And has anyone had numbness in this region ever return??
You might want to read Staypositive's recent posts. You can do a search for his posts in the upper right corner of the forum in the search bar.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by AL456 »

Thanks for the comment Violet.

Yes the numbness in the genitals, anus, legs and thighs was present after the fall/coccyx fracture.
There was a pre-existing loss of sensation in the lower legs with tingling but seemed very odd that this numbness to the genitals and buttocks would be related given the timing and the seriousness of the coccyx fracture. It was a very hard fall onto the sacrum area (even causing a split to the skin just above the buttocks).
As mentioned MRI of the whole spine, lumbar, and pelvis have been done, yet only a coccyx fracture has shown up. The pudendal nerve is apparently untouched bilaterally. I have heard that yes this can in fact not be totally accurate. I also note that my lumbar puncture was clear when I presented to hospital too.
I have not seen or spoken to a surgeon in regards to this specialist area as I’m in Australia (Sydney), and am discovering that not a lot of doctors here specialise in this area. There is one surgeon in Sydney who has done Pudendal nerve surgery. I haven’t consulted with him as of yet, and the pelvic floor PT gave me details to an interventional radiologist who is skilled with pudendal nerve imaging and mri, however I’m not sure much more will show than what showed with the pelvic MRI (with and without contrast).
The urologist confirmed the pudendal nerve is likely to be impacted given the area affected (whether it be neurological/autoimmune or a physical issue/from the trauma). The neurologist as I said has ruled out anything physical and leaning more towards an infectious cause but has no proof. He has also said “without a diagnosis, he can not give a prognosis”. Which leaves me in the dark.
Currently there is no evidence to support anything other than a coccyx fracture to the 1st segment. Which i believe is where the ganglion impar is (I’m unsure whether this nerve has anything to do with penile and scrotum sensation.
I’ve seen a number of doctors, but can’t seem to get any answers so far. The pelvic floor PT believes it’s probably a physical issue, whereas the neurologist is the complete opposite.
I may need to seek further opinions too.
It’s just past the 3 month mark and I was told that if it were neuropraxia from the fall/fracture that sensation would have returned by now. I know through my own research that if it were a more serious nerve injury such as Axonotmesis, that the 3 month timeline doesn’t necessarily apply.

What’s clear is this was either from:
1. The fall and the coccyx fracture.
2. An autoimmunes type of attack on the nerves triggered by the infection.

So far the only evidence found is a coccyx fracture.
And that doesn’t prove on its own why there’s nerve damage to that region.
The neurologist will not be the one to help me look further in regards to a physical nerve issue as he doesn’t believe it’s physical based off MRI’s.

I did read the other posts you mentioned and it’s interesting to read others with penile numbness.
It’s a very rare thing to have really. And it can only be so many things, which is why I don’t understand why I’m here 3 months later with no answers.
Some doctors are telling me to just wait it out and see if the nerves heal.
But due to the nature of the sensation loss combined with the sexual dysfunction I’m experiencing, I absolutely want to keep searching for answers. I need to at least find out why this happened and what the prognosis is.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by Aristocat »

Hello AL 456,

Perhaps I can write you a few things that do not correspond to general medicine. At the same time, I hope that Violet won't kick me out of the forum because I'm starting with energetic connections again :,).

I believe that the cause of your condition is pneumonia and that the fall on your coccyx only accelerated the situation. This is also supported by the fact that the x-rays, MRI are all ok.

I myself suffer from polyneuropathy in my feet and lower legs due to chemotherapy. I have no pain, but everything is numb. This can be measured with the nerve conduction velocity (I hope this translation is understandable). That's how I got the diagnosis. If nothing is measurable or visible, the nerves should not be damaged.

Your problems remind me of people who suffer from sexual dysfunction after taking antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs. They describe very similar problems.

I have now read a book that was a revelation to me, as it explained a lot to me: Arthur Firstenberg “The Invisible Rainbow”. In my opinion, it should be a “must read” for everyone. Firstenberg deals with electricity, describes its history, its effect on people and describes the connections between the electromagnetism of the universe and our body's electricity.

Scientists in the 19th century already knew from experiments that some people were better conductors of electricity than others. They did a lot of research into the electricity of the body, much of it with animals too. I found it very interesting that they discovered that people with a cold or fever were no longer conductors at all, while people with chills were “super conductors”. They found that people with smallpox (which no longer exists) did not conduct at all.

According to Google, the electrical resistance in a warm conductor decreases, i.e. less and less electricity (energy) flows in the body.
Now my hypothesis is that if there is not enough electricity to stimulate the neurons, which in turn stimulate the muscles, skin, neurotransmitters, everything that makes the body function, then numbness occurs because there is no more input.

Research into body electricity no longer takes place in medicine. I now believe that it is the foundation for understanding “phenomena” like the one you are experiencing. Energy is always there first, followed by matter.

I know that this doesn't help you at the moment, but it is another explanation if there is nothing to be found physically.

I wish you all the best.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by Violet M »

Ganglion impar innervates perineal and perianal regions, which would include the skin of the scrotum. ... mpar/23782 ... 1-perineum

One challenge in your case is that it would be hard to figure out if a pudendal nerve block was effective because you already have a loss of sensation in the areas the block would affect. So I'm not sure if there would be any merit in trying that. Can't remember if I mentioned you can do telehealth appointments with some of the doctors listed on our website so that might be worth getting an opinion or 2, rather than just waiting to see what happens. The other challenge for you is that there aren't many specialists in your country. It's such a tough decision to know whether to travel or not.

Aristocat, you won't be kicked off as long as you are respectful. I don't remember that you were ever disrespectful. I think you are just here trying to help people. I don't have the same thoughts as you about pudendal neuralgia but that's OK.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by AL456 »

Yeah the PT mentioned the nerve block probably being counter productive for me as I already have the numbness.
I saw a urologist today who gave steroids (prednisone) to maybe aid recovery, I don’t know. And something to take called Cabergoline.
He says nerve damage takes a long time to heal. He put a theory out there that when I lost consciousness and fell and fractured my coccyx that maybe I’ve jarred the sacral region on impact (where the nerves are) and possibly damaged them. Which is the complete opposite of the neurologists theory that it has nothing to do with the fracture.
He said MRI of the pelvis probably wouldnt show this. He also mentioned that there’s smaller nerves that branch off from the pudendal nerve that damage won’t show up on MRI. They apparently only visualise the very large nerves.
I’m not sure who to believe anymore. So many different opinions but no hard evidence besides the coccyx fracture and my symptoms of numbness.
There is the option of asking to see the surgeon who does PNE surgery here in Australia, but without evidence and also the fact that significant pain in a major symptom of PNE, then it probably won’t go anywhere.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by Violet M »

It seems like your instincts are telling you that the fall and the fracture do have something to do with the new symptom of numbness that you are experiencing, because it started right after that incident. And it seems that logically what the urologist is telling you makes sense.

Sometimes there is more than one thing going on, so it's possible that both of the doctors are partially right -- maybe the fall contributed to the symptoms, but possibly an autoimmune response to the infection made the nerves more susceptible to damage from the injury. I guess then, the question would be are the treatments the same, either way no matter what the underlying cause is? Or can you pursue treatment for both scenarios -- healing of the nerves after an infection, and healing of the nerves after an injury from a fall.

If there is no way you would consider pursuing surgery as a treatment option, it might not make sense to see the PNE surgeon. But if there is any chance he might be able to help you, it might be worth it to at least get his opinion.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by AL456 »

Thanks violet.

Neurologist today diagnosed me with pudendal neuralgia. Is referring me to a clinic here for it.
He thinks it’s related directly to the injury, and has ruled out neurological cause.

Any men recovered from this with penile numbness?
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Re: Penile numbness/loss of sensation

Post by AL456 »

AL456 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:04 am
Penile numbness

UPDATE: Neurologist gave a working diagnosis and suspects I have pudendal neuralgia.

Hi, I’m new here.
34M with 3 months of numbness in penis and scrotum.
The circumstances in which it came on are confusing. I was in the middle of a mycoplasma pneumonia infection that had me bedridden for days. One of the nights during the mycoplasma pneumonia I lost consciousness and fell onto my tailbone (which resulted in a coccyx fracture to the 1st segment).
Over the next few days I had intense pain in the lower back, with tingling and numbness to the legs, and numbness to the penis and scrotum and buttocks. I presented to hospital who eventually did:
- MRI of spine
- CT of lumbar spine.
- lumbar puncture.

Nothing of importance was detected other than mild disc bulges and mild bilateral ligamentum flavum hypertrophy or mild left neural foraminal narrowing with no nerve impingement which was deemed not to be associated with my symptoms. I have since been seen by a neurologist who ordered a further MRI of the Pelvis, which only detected a fractured coccyx, yet nothing to any of the nerves in the pelvic region (including the pudendal nerve).
I also had Nerve conduction studies to the legs and hand, and EMG on leg which showed no abnormality.
He believes it isn’t related to the fall or the coccyx fracture but possibly due to a “para infectious” disease that has attacked the nerves such as GBS or the likes. I will note that I have a history of autoimmunes symptoms (scleritis, pains in joints, rashes etc).
Got an MRI of brain done yesterday (awaiting results).

Anyone been through this? And has anyone had numbness in this region ever return??

Can’t feel any sensitive touch and also have near no orgasm feeling. Anus was numb too.
I will note that prior to this injury I had numbness and buzzing and tingling in my feet and legs with reduced sensation and was already being looked into for neurological problems, but nothing is ever found.
Have seen Pelvic floor PT who believes it has to be the pudendal nerve causing the loss of sensation and dynsfuction.
I honestly am gobsmacked and have no idea what has happened! Anyone gone through this and had recovery?
What I do know is that the pudendal nerve is definitely impacted and I have no answers from anyone really.
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