After Surgery

Here is information about Doctors in the USA who diagnose and treat Pudendal Neuralgia through many methods.
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After Surgery

Post by tig5 »

Hi All,
Just an update. Had surgery on Jan.26th 2012. Not doing well!
Last edited by tig5 on Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:50 am, edited 4 times in total.
peroneal pain-1994
1999 ischial tuberosity pains/obturator spasm. Stopped running,did elliptical & wts.
6/2010 right pelvis rotated, got massage,after got rectal burning & pain down legs.Soon Vaginal pain
Tried many PT's, Cold laser therapy, accupunture, ect. from 1994-2011
Trigger points w/Dr.Bailey 8/2010-6/2011
Nerve Blocks w/Dr.Quesada12/2010-9/2011
Bi. Pudendal Decompression surgery via TG Dr.Conway 7/2011
Sciatic,PFCN,Superior Gluteal,Piriformis surgery 1/2012
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Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:19 am

Re: Dr. Hal Martin

Post by lightmail »

How did your surgery with Dr. Conway work out. Thinking of using him..Robert
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Re: Dr. Hal Martin

Post by Karyn »

I'm very sorry you came away with less than favorable results. Please keep us updated as you continue on this journey. I'm happy your surgery with Dr. Conway went well and perhaps you could share a bit more about that in another thread?
With love,
Last edited by Karyn on Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ultra Sound in 03/08 showed severely retroverted, detaching uterus with mulitple fibroids and ovarian cysts.
Pressure and pain in lower abdomen and groin area was unspeakable and devastating.
Total lap hysterectomy in 06/08, but damage was already done.
EMG testing in NH in 04/10 - bilateral PN and Ilioinguals
3T MRI at HSS, NY in 09/10
Bilateral TG surgery with Dr. Conway on 03/29/11. Bilat ilioinguinal & iliohypogastric neurectomy 03/12. TCD surgery 04/14.
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Re: Dr. Hal Martin

Post by deBBieW »

Yes, thanks for sharing. Perhaps I missed something in a different post, but did you actually have Dr. Martin do a procedure? Or was it a consult?
And please share how the surgery went, and the recoup afterwards, with Dr. Conway. I have heard very good things about his patient care, and bedside manner.

My best to you,
Vag pain, leg burning 3/11, SIJ inj 7/11, Pelvic PT, Chiro/acupuncture,
2-CT pudendal blks 11/2012, did help, less deep vag pain
Potter MRI 04/2012 - Scar tissue/thickening at SS/ST, scar in Alcock canal -bilateral,
Hibner 6/12 suggests Botox (didnt do), 8/12 more pelvic PT w/ dry needling
Gabapentin 1800 mg, Lyrica 200 mg, 5mg valium, vicodin as needed
Trying to get rid of central sensitization burning pain in my legs, Valium seems to be helping
Looking into more mindfulness options. . . . .
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Location: Boston, MA

Re: surgery

Post by tig5 »

Dear Debbie,

My first surgery was done by Dr. Mark Conway in NH. He has the most wonderful bedside manner and he will stick by your side for years to come. Once you are his patient, you are always his patient. Meaning if you call him with a concern, he will call you back to try to help you in any way he can. He does not just wash his hands of you once the surgery is over and 6 months or even a year go by. Again, any concerns or questions, he will respond and go that extra mile to try to help you. Furthermore, If he can't help, he will do his best to refer you to someone who may be able to help.

I can't say enough positive things about his efforts and whole-hearted concern for pudendal patients.

Hope this helps.
peroneal pain-1994
1999 ischial tuberosity pains/obturator spasm. Stopped running,did elliptical & wts.
6/2010 right pelvis rotated, got massage,after got rectal burning & pain down legs.Soon Vaginal pain
Tried many PT's, Cold laser therapy, accupunture, ect. from 1994-2011
Trigger points w/Dr.Bailey 8/2010-6/2011
Nerve Blocks w/Dr.Quesada12/2010-9/2011
Bi. Pudendal Decompression surgery via TG Dr.Conway 7/2011
Sciatic,PFCN,Superior Gluteal,Piriformis surgery 1/2012
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Re: After Surgery

Post by jon »

Who did your surgery and how was it done?

Have you found relief?
Left testicle pain since 2008. Left sciatica 2010-2012. Failed left epididectomy, orchiectomy, botox injections, nerve blocks and internal physical therapy. Genital branch of genitofemoral and perineal branch of pudendal nerve cut. L5-S1 microdiscectomy cured sciatica. Dorsal Root Ganglion nerve stimulator failed to help and was removed. I have had 4 pudendal nerve blocks, two from Dr. Poree worked for 2 hrs. The ONLY break from pain ever.
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