The name of the SSRI I took was Lexapro (escitalopram is the generic name). Some people have improved symptoms with pregabalin or a combination of an SSRI or SNRI such as duloxetine. If you decide to try these medications, it's important to know that you can't just suddenly quit taking them. You would have to wean off of them slowly to prevent some potential side effects from discontinuing the drugs.
If your symptoms are positional and related to certain activities, it could potentially be a structural problem where the nerve is getting more pressure on it in certain positions or being rubbed on by a ligament or something when you are active.
It sounds like you are already seeing a doctor. Hopefully they have ordered tests for you such as MRI. Are you able to see one of the pudendal neuralgia specialists?
Summer, no worries, I do not lift heavy weights anymore!