PN pain by femur/hip pelvic-sacral bone dysplasia?

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PN pain by femur/hip pelvic-sacral bone dysplasia?

Post by clm »

Hello. Any research of dysplastic hips causing PN? I have an update to my PN story, that I hope can be medically researched. I had a rt hip revision in April 2022, that also relieved all of the re-injury after the perfect 2009 PN release surgery by Ansell (I had re-injured it four months post-PN surgery, after moving to other side of world. During the 2022 hip revision, they found that my metal femur/hip from 2006, was rotated. (As a baby, age 9 months, i had broken my right femur). So, I am wondering now, if my personal pn problem, begun in 2005, was initially caused because of my hip/my dysplastic, deformed femur/head slipping and rotating my femur/hip pelvic-sacral structure. We did not know at those times, that my hip femur/hip was slipping and getting caught in a rotated position: post-2003 right hip decompression surgery (massive slips began after this), 2005 - crushed rt PN nerve, nor in 2004 false-positive appendicitis, nor in 2006 the original hip replacement surgery, nor in 2009 at the PN release surgery time, nor for many years until the 2022 hip revision. What if the 2006 hip replacement fixed into position that post-2003 hip mal-rotation. I had a perfect PN revision in 2009; yet, maybe when that surgery failed four months later in 2010, it was because of my hip rotating/levering and not my pn surgery failing. If my 2006 hip replacement had been fixed into a mal-rotated position, then it would have just maintained hip/pelvic/sacral rotational stresses (In fact, the four month post-op PN surgery failure encompassed not only my PN, but also my whole rt pelvis). So, is femur/hip/pelvo-sacral dysplasia lurking and wracking PN pain for others too? If I can help anyone researching this, I can provide more info (images, …) Bless you all. Hang in there.
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Re: PN pain by femur/hip pelvic-sacral bone dysplasia?

Post by jaxi123 »

My right hip is rotated forward and the left hip rotated backwards. One leg is longer than the other. Physical therapists say this is my problem but 20 years of physical therapy have not helped.
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