Mattresses for Bed - Pudendal Nerve issues /Piriformis

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Re: Mattresses for Bed - Pudendal Nerve issues /Piriformis

Post by tonygret »

Getting a new mattress is very expensive. I went that route without much luck. I then bought a $200.00 mattress topper from Costco, and that did the trick! The good news is if it doesn't work out, you can throw it in your trunk and return it within 30 days. You can also find them on Amazon for as little as 70.00. Make sure anything you buy is at least 3 inches thick.
Middle aged male suffering excruciating pain from pudendal neuralgia since 2013. Tried nerve blocks, caudal block, back surgery, and a dozen different medications. Surgery 2018. My condition grows worse every month. Can not sit at all.
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