Therawand worked for me

Trigger Point injections, Myofascial Massage techniques, and many more.
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Therawand worked for me

Post by Christopher1976 »

I have had extreme pelvic pain for well over a year now, and had no luck at all getting help. What has finally worked for me is learning how to use a therawand internally. i had limited success with pelvic PT, because the human finger isn't long enough to reach up inside to work the tailbone muscles properly. Also, the PT has no way of really knowing what you are feeling and whether they are getting all of the trigger points. It took a few weeks to learn how to use a therawand properly, and having a pelvic PT show you how to do this is the best way to learn. I am able to reach all of my painful spots every single day, and follow up with a valium suppository to keep those muscles relaxed. I feel there was a vicious cycle that started with nerve irritation, which led to muscle cramps, which led to more nerve irritation, which led to more muscle cramps, etc. True healing is now happening, and I am now able to sit at a computer for a couple hours at a time with no pain as long as I have a good chair and seat cushion. It's just a shame that it took so long to figure this out. I couldn't find a doctor willing to prescribe valium long term, and my pelvic PT didn't recommend a therawand. I was doing trial and error on everything treatment listed on this website, and finally stumbled upon what worked for me. When dealing with chronic pain, it seems you are truly on your own to solve it. Good luck!
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