Hi guys, I have had PGAD symptoms for 2 weeks, possible causes I wrote on welcome section of forum.
I visited urologist and he did 2 swabs for stds and possible bacteria. He took my urine as well.
Everything came back negative and he told me symptom is only in my head and he cannot do anything.
I told him about possible causes which could have triggered it, including me falling on my butt from time to time, about pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment, and therefore I suggested MRI test of pelvis and brain in case something up there triggered it.
I also asked him about possibility of it being caused by interstitial cystitis ( I dont have it diagnosed but I have had chronic bacterial urethritis and bladder spasms for 2 years).
He dismissed it and only took tests above which came back negative.
Problem is, if I tell doctor what I think it is and what I read on the internet, they will ridicule me and tell me that I should not read internet and self diagnoze and consider me hypochondriac. They either dont make enough tests or dont do ones that could rule out common causes of PGAD, which among them could be pudendal nerve entrapment,tarlow cyst or brain damage of sorts.
If I remain silent and not tell them a thing,then they will make most frequent test and then dismiss it anyway. This time with urologist even my suggestions didnt help. Doctors commonly do not like it when patients self diagnose.
All right, well, I am visiting neurologist on thursday and will have to find an urologist who will take this seriously enough.
It is now commonly acknowledged that PGAD has a normal physical/pathological cause and is not only in patients head.
Most doctors have either not heard about it or dont know how to diagnose it.
How am I supposed to approach them to do the suggested tests on this website for pudendal neuralgia and pgad and be taken seriously? Thanks
P.S - I am from Slovakia in Europe. Any suggested doctors residing in US are not an option for me.
If you have any suggestions for doctors in Slovakia I am all ears.
How not to get ridiculed by doctor?
Re: How not to get ridiculed by doctor?
Sorry, I don't know of any PN doctors in Slovakia. Some of the European doctors might know of someone in your country who treats PN.
I wish I had a good answer for you about the best way to educate your doctor and get the tests you need. Maybe taking them peer reviewed articles on the topic would help.
I wish I had a good answer for you about the best way to educate your doctor and get the tests you need. Maybe taking them peer reviewed articles on the topic would help.
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Re: How not to get ridiculed by doctor?
Doctors are extremely overrated! I would go to a pelvic floor therapist. They are much more understanding, they helped me a ton, and, if you ever find a good doctor, it will help that you have done pelvic floor therapy for a few years.