Desperate mother looking for answers for my son

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Desperate mother looking for answers for my son

Post by katkinb »

Good Morning,
I'm so glad I found this website and am hoping to gain information that may help my son. About 2 years ago he started feeling what he calls a "discomfort" in his anus. He wouldn't describe it as a sharp pain, just like something is "stuck" in there, or a weird buzzing feeling. He has a history of hemmoroids and he just had surgery 3 weeks ago to remove internal and external. He was hoping this would resolve the issue, but he is still experiencing this sensation. He is a college student and in his words "he has lost 2 years of his life" due to this issue. As a result, he is on medications for anxiety and depression. He is currently under the care of a colorectal doctor, and they have tested him for levi antor and he has also tried PT for pelvic floor dysfunction for a month with no improvement. I have researched his issue tirelessly, but a lot of the syndromes or conditions refer to extreme pain, rather than discomfort. I hate to see him in this state and I'm so worried about him. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Desperate mother looking for answers for my son

Post by stephanies »


It is certainly worth investigating if your son’s pain could be from the pudendal nerve. A pelvic pain specialist, urologist, or pelvic physical therapist may be able to help with this. I have learned more in the last few years how pudendal pain and dysfunction can originate with issues at the spine, including nerve root compression. I suggest an MRI of the sacrum, including the tailbone, so these issues could be ruled in or out as potentially contributing. A pudendal nerve block could also help in determining that the PN is involved. I was fairly young when I developed pudendal pain, although older than your son, and my heart breaks to think of him dealing with this pain.

PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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Re: Desperate mother looking for answers for my son

Post by tummydepressed »

Hello there. Sorry to hear about your son’s difficulties.

I have struggled since my University days so can really feel his pain.

You say he was tested for Levator Ani. What was the outcome?

It does sound like this or some other kind of pelvic floor dysfunction.

He is lucky to have a mum who cares so much.

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