Painful Orgasm
Painful Orgasm
I recently had a miscarriage and at the advice of my doctor had a D & C procedure done to remove the tissue/fetus. All went well with the D & C with a very easy recovery process, however once I became intimate with my husband 10 days after the procedure, I experienced a sharp pain during orgasm. It has been 5 weeks now and I am still having the pain during orgasm. I don’t feel it any other time. It’s a sharp pain that lasts just the duration of the orgasm then disappears. I mentioned to my doctor at the follow up and he said he wasn’t concerned as things will feel different for a while. I did some research and came across the pudendal nerve and how it can be damaged during surgery. Has anyone else experienced this and does it get better? What exactly happens that cause this during surgery? Is there treatment for it?