Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestions?

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Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestions?

Post by Zach1231 »

Edit: I'm deleting this thread.
Last edited by Zach1231 on Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestion

Post by sadie »


Can you apply for medicare and Medicaid ASAP, and then go see a dr and try to get some Lyrica and Lexapro. I am sorry you are going through this and i am glad you have someone that wishes to marry you as so many are alone with PN . I suppose you will need medical documentation to get disability, but I would a least go on line and get that ball rolling . You may be able to get food stamps. On the home page under doctors, see if there are any PN drs in your area that take your partners insurance. If not maybe you can find a PT that is knowledgeable about the PN so you can get a diagnosis.
I think most of us have been where you are and you will get on the other side. Try to stay as calm as possible as the central nervous system is all connected and stress will flair everything up.
Again I am sorry you are going through this and yes it would be great if you could get on your fiancees insurance as soon as possible. Always try to... try something first like lexapro to stop the pain signals from traveling to your brain as it is not like it is Oxycontin or a benzos. If you start there and then can add Pregablin and get things to a manageable place where you will be able to think clearer and make better medical decisions moving forward. Be safe in this new world of covid . sadie
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Re: Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestion

Post by Zach1231 »

Edit: removed.
Last edited by Zach1231 on Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 131
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Re: Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestion

Post by sadie »

Maybe u did not take enough amitrip . I was on the for several years b4 causing dystonia n it helped. Maybe u were not on enough.... I am sure if u called food stamps n explained in detail how u can not leave the bed they would understand, and because of covid-19 their offices may be close to actual foot traffic anyway.. so I would try calling for food stamps. Sadie
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Re: Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestion

Post by jir39 »

It depends on what you mean, every doctor is good when he helps. :) And none have 100% success. They are only better and worse in some cases/diseases ...
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Re: Please help me. Is Dr. Elkwood good? Any good suggestion

Post by Pleasehelpmegod »

How have you been doing since elkwood surgery? You had tg right? Or was it tir?
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