Delayed Pain

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Re: Delayed Pain

Post by calluna »

I've got this. If I have a busy day and do too much then I do usually get a slightly increased pain level at the time, but there invariably follows a real flare, usually starting the following day and lasting for a day or two, sometimes three....
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Re: Delayed Pain

Post by drds89 »

Yes, yes, yes.

Would you believe me I only really noticed painful sitting, when on the way to the hospital the first time when I was diagnosed; and then when it recurred one week after doing some yard work that likely stretched the nerve/tendons/scar tissue.
5 days after my 2nd/3rd nerve block in Houston, even lifting my thigh to tie a shoe, for example, I could feel an immediate zap; that was the beginning of 3 week flareup, in bed and taking narcotics round the clock.

Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason, but for me just sleeping on the wrong side will make it flare; and might not show up for days. It is maddening trying to figure out what to do and not do.

But the lag time is not always a whole week anymore.
Fell skating 2008. Abnormal PNMLT R perineal branch 12/08. Pudendal block +relief for several hours. Complete recovery, off medications, using cushion after 9 months; re-injured late 2009 doing yardwork. Major flare after injections 2&3 Feb. 2010. No sitting/hyperprotecting since 2/2010 to present. Symptoms gradually better, but not like the first time; still with pain up to 5, but 1-3 most common and 0 while recumbent.
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Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:58 am
Location: West Yorkshire, UK

Re: Delayed Pain

Post by peaches »

I too am a sufferer of delayed pain. That's what makes this condition so hard to judge all the time. I suppose that for me if I've done too much and the pain starts one or two days later, at least I know if a ease up then it will go away again in a day or two. And I'm lucky so far that it usually does. I think that you 'get to know' your pain as it were, and get to know what makes it tick if you like, as time goes on. I'm very mindfull of my sitting and don't push my luck too much.

PN diagnosed in 2009 by Dr Greenslade, Bristol
Symptoms for many years and numerous diagnostic tests
Currently controlled by meds - Venlafaxine and Lyrica
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