PGAD sufferrers - Things we may have in common

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PGAD sufferrers - Things we may have in common

Post by Kendis »

Hi guys, I want to help us pin point possible trigger. While I know that pgad is most often associated with SSRI quitting cold turkey, pudendal nerve problem,tarlow cyst, it is not always the case. So, can you post following info? I will post mine.
Maybe we will figure out what connects us all

Age: 28
Gender: Male
PGAD have for: 2 weeks (since 17th September 2019)
Symptoms: Sudden feelings or "spikes" of being near orgasm while walking sometimes, during bus/car ride (due to vibration), feeling an "itch" to masturbate at the base of penis and slight pain. Upon masturbation I feel "warmth and pain " and kind of swelling between anus and penis somewhere close to bladder/prostate for hours/days and even further urge to masturbate. Endless cycle basically. If I dont masturbate then pain after some time subsides and moves back to base of penis along with an "itch".

Possibly related health problems:
1. Chronic bacterial urethritis - lasting 2 years where no anbitiotics worked. Used 1 autovaccine for 9 months, didnt help, im using another one right now.
I still have it.
2. IBS-D - lasting 1 year, probably related to bad bacteria due to drinking kefir with unpasteurized cows milk. Had countless tests done, nothing was found.
I still have it.
3. Acid reflux - had it for long time. Probably related to IBS-D in some way. Still have it.
3. Internal hemorrhoids - 1st to 2nd grade. Have had them probably since IBS. Still have them.
4. Chronic headaches - had them for decade(s), less likely to be related to it, but still possibility. Still have it.
6. Have history of OCD, anxiety (sometimes sewere,especially in 2016-2017), panic attacks. Still have them.

History of medicine that could be related:
1. Prostakan forte (saw palmetto and nettle) - use since 2016 to 2019,quit week ago. supplement for prostate.
2. Ozzion(pantoprazol) - medicine used for acid reflux,use since march 2019 to almost now (half a year).
3. Sertralline - SSRI antidepressant. Use since autumn 2017 to august 2018. Stopped slowly to avoid withdraval symptoms. Havent had any.
4. Neurol (alprazolam/benzodiazepine) - took along with Sertraline, started autumn 2017-august 2018.
5.Reasec (difenoxylate and atrophin) - used for IBS-D, similiar to Imodium. Used for couple of months, but only from time to time.
6. Duspatalin (mebeverine)- took for 4-5 months (since february to june 2019 approx) due to IBS. It is antispasmodicum.
7. Lexaurin 1,5 mg (bromazepam/benzodiazepine) - took it now due to PGAD symptoms but only for 6 days and only half a pill.

My theory on what triggered PGAD:
1. Delaying pooping despite urge to go days before PGAD started up until day before - despite having IBS I had pretty bad diet few weeks before it started. IBS became worse and I had stronger urges to go. Maybe poop pushed on nerve?
2. UTI/bacteria - had sex with gf 2 days before PGAD started. Had a confirmed UTI (e-coli) since PGAD started. Felt stabbing pain in penis. I never had confirmed bacteria in urine,therefore probably first UTI?
3. Pudendal Nerve damage/entrapment - either due to lipoma that I have or me falling from chair from time to time and landinig on my butt. Or possibly tarlow cyst, but not confirmed and need MRI done.
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Violet M
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Re: PGAD sufferrers - Things we may have in common

Post by Violet M »

Mine was due to pudendal nerve entrapment that was triggered by weight-lifting and bad ligaments. PNE surgery took it away but it wasn't an immediate cure - it took months to recover.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: PGAD sufferrers - Things we may have in common

Post by Carla »

I had remission and it is really gone, look here but please excuse, my english is not ver good, as I am from germany. ... &start=740
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