Your personal thoughts --- on MY BLOG

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A's Mommy
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Location: Pennsylvania

Your personal thoughts --- on MY BLOG

Post by A's Mommy »


A new area of my blog or post whatever you call it is going to be centered around the REALITY OF PNE, told from the PNE patient, at various times/stages of treatment/diagnosis.

I've contacted a few of you and have got your permission for posting some of your thoughts, but I wanted to throw the line out there and see if anyone would would like to contribute anything... whether it be part of a rant or a rave, a great moment, a struggling moment, ANY moment dealing with PNE.... so the real world can see.

If so, please contact me at:

With warm regards,

A's Mommy

PS: I LOVE HOPE!!!! i have a link to HOPE on my blog
Daughter grew completely on left side of pelvis
Multiple uterine surgeries to fix uterine adhesions, septum, and endo
Had all the conservative workups done, 3Tesla (Potter), recovering from L sided TG (Hibner) 11/10, Botox 6/11 failed, bilateral anterior PNE decompression (distal Alcock's/perineal branch), Aszmann, Vienna, 10/11; dx'd with CRPS Type 2, 12/11, Ketamine @ CCF 2/12, doing 75% better PRAISE JESUS!
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A's Mommy
Posts: 447
Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:46 pm
Location: Pennsylvania

Re: Your personal thoughts --- on MY BLOG

Post by A's Mommy »

I have a few people who've PMd me with some info they would like to post on my blog... anyone else?

I'm trying to make this into a mass post instead of little "broken up" posts.

I hope you all are enjoying my blog and are passing it on to your non PN people and of course, passing on HOPE.

A's Mommy
Daughter grew completely on left side of pelvis
Multiple uterine surgeries to fix uterine adhesions, septum, and endo
Had all the conservative workups done, 3Tesla (Potter), recovering from L sided TG (Hibner) 11/10, Botox 6/11 failed, bilateral anterior PNE decompression (distal Alcock's/perineal branch), Aszmann, Vienna, 10/11; dx'd with CRPS Type 2, 12/11, Ketamine @ CCF 2/12, doing 75% better PRAISE JESUS!
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