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Post by Chocolatemom »

Hi all, this is basically, a re-entrapment rehash of what I discussed in my earlier post but with more information and I would like to invite opinions from more people. I was originalmy injured from a total hysterectomy in 2017 and was later diagnosed with a pelvic-gastric nerve entrapment by Dr. Castellanos at St. Joe's in Phoenix. I had my surgery in June of 2018 and can honesty say I woke up in recovery with no pain at all and it was bliss. About a week later I started having severe pain in a completemy new place - the pudenda, as well as deep internal pain- it felt like someone was stabbing me all the way to my cervix ( if I still had one). Dr. Castellanos did an examination and told me not to worry, that this was completely normal and I was experiencing "post- surgical muscle spasms" and that doing PT for a few months would alleviate the pain. He also explained that the entire pelbic region had muscle memory and was reacti g to the initial injury. I should also mention that all my original symptoms are back- difficulty in sitting driving, as well as needi g, a butt- lpad of pain medicine. I am very committed to the PT I am doing and will do anything to get better, but what do you all think? Is it really "muscle spasms" or is he giving me a line of BS and do I have a re-entrapment? BTW, surgery in June was my fifth pelvic surgery and along with definite entrapment there was significant scar tissue. Thanks for help.
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Re: Re-entrapment

Post by Patty »

I have never had any surgery for PN but I would think it is too early in your recover to think about re entrapment. Your body is still healing & has a long way to
recover from what I have read. I'm sure others who have been through the surgery will chime in but please try to take it one day at a time & you have to trust
the doctor who did the surgery.
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Violet M
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Re: Re-entrapment

Post by Violet M »

Sorry to hear of this new development. I agree with Patty that it definitely takes time to heal after surgery but if your surgeon or your PT can give you any advice on how to prevent more scar tissue from forming that would be an important consideration. Surgery to relieve scar tissue is not always the answer if you are naturally prone to developing scar tissues/adhesions. If you can find someone who does visceral manipulation that might be something to consider.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Re-entrapment

Post by jaxi123 »

After 2 decompression surgeries, no relief at all and re-entrapped. Very upsetting.
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