Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Test

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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by MrPK »

Violet M wrote:MrPK, you can read my story on the website at http://www.pudendalhope.info/node/65
I just added an update.

I would be interested in hearing your story too. ;)

Wow that was something! Just like you I had my family and faith as pillars to support me. Without that support it would not be possible for me to make it through this experience. My pelvis and back were way out of alignment due to all the exercise and weightlifting I was doing. I was a naive 20 year old at the time and ignored the signals my body was sending me then one day it basically just gave way. My start on was sudden with the whole pelvis feeling like it caught on fire. I experienced PGAD constant 24/7 irritation constant 24/7 burning and occasional sharp pains in the genitalia. That was the worse part. I also experienced burning and random sharp pains in the pelvis/tailbone. My symptoms were flared up by sitting, exercise, bowel movements and intercourse. Basically anything that would put strain on the area would make my symptoms worse. My whole pelvis was inflamed including the prostate.

I stopped working and exercising at the time. In the beginning the nerve irritation in the genitalia was so bad, I had many sleepless nights and really thought I would go crazy. If I tried to relieve it via ejaculation as I was encouraged to by my doctor(prostatitis diagnosis) I would get temporary relieve but then the pain would worsen. Those were crazy tough sleepless nights with no answers only prayers.

After about 2 years I heard of pelvic floor therapy and tried it. The PT was able to work through the internal restrictions which was painful but tolerable, it provided some relief, but I still had significant pain and the pelvic muscles would keep tightening up again. I realized that the source of my pain was elsewhere at that point and tried to tell the PT to keep looking but the PT said I should go the nerve block and surgery route. My symptoms had been tolerable and kind of stable at that point so I instead opted to go a non-surgical route to free my body from all the restrictions that it had developed over time. I felt restriction is what caused my issue so addressing it should be the cure. So first I tried to pinpoint these restrictions and with lots of research + experimentation over-time I came up with this diagnostic test. I was able to feel restriction specifically in the Left Piriformis area/Obturator Internus area. I also heard of Dr. Fillers MRN so I went to see what he could find with his MRN, the MRN I posted showed the result. He recommended me to get surgery immediately so things don't get worse but again my symptoms had been stable for a long time so I decided to try without blocks/surgery. I began to search for therapies that could help me relieve my areas of restriction. I tried many therapies but deep tissue oil friction massage was a game-changer for me. It was able to work out my whole body along with the yoga I was doing. The one area that it could not reach was the Obturator Internus. Once that was addressed by the methods I stated in the earlier posts above it all unraveled. I was free of all restriction free of all pain. My story(5 years) is much longer as you know only the person who lived it knows how long it is but this is kind of a nice short summary.
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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by Violet M »

MrPK, thanks so much for sharing your story. I know it's hard to talk about these things but it really helps other people to hear what has helped you.

I see so many similarities in your story with what I experienced. It sounds like you have been through hell. I did not mention PGAD in the story that is posted on the website but that is what gave me many almost sleepless nights. I think it's great that you were able to get well without going the surgery route. You are a lot younger than I was so maybe your ligaments aren't hardened and sclerosed, hopefully.

Well, be careful -- no more heavy weightlifting, OK? ;)

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by MrPK »

Violet M wrote:
Well, be careful -- no more heavy weightlifting, OK? ;)

Don't have to say that twice lol. I forgot to add I also had restriction somewhere below the pubic bone/prostate area where the dorsal branch runs. Which I worked out myself internally utilizing a trigger point tool. The PT would not be willing to work on that area because they thought it was an inflamed prostate. Which it actually was but..... Turned out the restriction in that area was irritating the pudendal dorsal branch and inflaming the prostate! Pressure to that area would make my genital pain worse, they kept telling me it was the inflamed prostate referring pain.... but over time I steadily worked through the area and it kept decreasing until it was gone. Below shows the Dorsal Genital Nerve from a lateral view. We see it runs through the prostate area and under the pubic bone before entering the genitalia so it's possible soft tissue restriction there could be a culprit. Palpating the prostate area(for men not sure what is there for women) may refer pain and feel tender however it may not be the prostate but the restricted tissue in that area affecting the pudendal dorsal branch and even the prostate itself.


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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by Violet M »

Well, it's great that you studied this out so carefully and that you have been able to work through these restrictions on your own. I don't think most people would be able to do that.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Still fullofhope
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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by Still fullofhope »

Thank you so much MrPK for your post, I learned so much from it. May I ask what kind of trigger point tools you used to relieve pressure of the dorsal branch? I feel a lot of pressure and pain in my public bone area (I am a female) after sitting even for a short period of time. Many thanks!
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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Te

Post by optimus »

MrPK wrote: Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:35 am
Violet M wrote:Well, I certainly wouldn't turn down a full body deep tissue oil massage. Sounds really relaxing! :) Is there any chance insurance pays for this type of treatment?

I would be interested to hear how you are treating the OI muscle. I found a TENS unit to be really helpful with that muscle.

Hey the massage was great once I got through the first 2-3 sessions and the tissues became soft and supple. It was a bit tough before that lol. It took care of the piriformis area entrapment. I am not sure if insurance pays for massage treatment. The best treatment for the Obturator Internus area would involve you in the same position used for the test I posted. From there a knowledgeable Rolfer or other myofascial release specialist could dig deep into the area and find tender areas to release. If you have any irritation in the genitalia it is likely to be caused by restriction in the Obturator Internus area affecting the pudendal nerve and can be reproduced with deep external palpation by a skilled practitioner. Graston/FAKTR is perfect to give a deep tissue friction massage to the Obturator Internus as they have tools to reach that area along with Active Release Technique to the Obturator Internus, that is a killer combo. You can't really get your elbow in there for a deep tissue friction massage haha so the Graston/FAKTR tools are literally tailor made to deal with it. A TENS machine will likely only give temporary relief, we want a complete resolution!
Can you tell the practitioner name that helped you with release of OI using Graston also the ART
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Re: Pudendal Nerve Pathway Restriction At Home Diagnostic Test

Post by jon »


Very encouraging. My pain is flared up so I had to just scan your posts. But congratulations! I'm impressed!

Very generous of you to share all this. There's also a Reddit Pudendal Neuralgia group and a few on Facebook. You could also purchase your story on YouTube.

Please let the group know exactly who all helped you through your journey.

Many of us have traveled the country, and some the world, seeking relief. Far too many lose all hope.
Left testicle pain since 2008. Left sciatica 2010-2012. Failed left epididectomy, orchiectomy, botox injections, nerve blocks and internal physical therapy. Genital branch of genitofemoral and perineal branch of pudendal nerve cut. L5-S1 microdiscectomy cured sciatica. Dorsal Root Ganglion nerve stimulator failed to help and was removed. I have had 4 pudendal nerve blocks, two from Dr. Poree worked for 2 hrs. The ONLY break from pain ever.
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