Can Perineal Pain/Bladder Be Caused By Some Sort Of Hernia?

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Can Perineal Pain/Bladder Be Caused By Some Sort Of Hernia?

Post by Trainer »

All my symptoms have started after I felt a sharp pain in the perineum while deadlifting.

I stated this over and over to the doctors/urologists that I believe something structurally let go while I was deadlifting, Hernia/prolapse???

They keep dismissing it like it's not even in the realm of possibility and are doing a bunch of bladder tests which I believe is totally barking up wrong tree

The urinary issues and perineum pain.

Its like I got a hernia through the bottom pelvic floor if this is even possible. When I lift or cough it feels weak through anus and perineum.

When I bend down to floor and crouch low it really seems to aggravate symptoms.

Can this even be fixed if it is?
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Re: Can Perineal Pain/Bladder Be Caused By Some Sort Of Hern

Post by Vjera »

Groin hernias can cause pelvic pain and problems with urination. Abdominal surgeons are trained to recognize groin hernias.
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Re: Can Perineal Pain/Bladder Be Caused By Some Sort Of Hern

Post by April »


You said all your symptoms started after deadlifting. Are those pn-symptoms? My pn was caused by four months of intense work on step machine, and Violet's pn was caused by weightlifting and working out. So, weightlifting can cause it. I think there's a handout on the main page of the forum that people can give to their doctors if the doctors don't know much about pn. You might want to use that with your doctors.

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Violet M
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Re: Can Perineal Pain/Bladder Be Caused By Some Sort Of Hern

Post by Violet M »

Trainer, how are you doing?

Sometimes PT's are good at figuring out if there are any mechanical issues going on that are contributing to your problems. A PT is who figured out my diagnosis when the docs had no idea. So you might want to visit a good pelvic floor PT or even a manual therapistl

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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