Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

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Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

Post by helen1000 »

My friend Larisa does not speak English and I will be her voice here. She started to experience symptoms of PN in 2012. She lives in NH and naturally she went to Dr. Conway who did EMG and Potter MRI. EMG was not so good and Dr. Conway assured her that operation for PN is her best option. In 2014 she was operated. Later she had Potter MRI of her hips and one labrum tear was found. Now her old MRI from 2014 made before operation was reviewed by other doctor. He is saying that she has Tarlov cyst of S2 disc and it could cause her symptoms. After operation she developed heavy painful scar and almost cannot lie and sit on this area. She is 55.
I thought what would be her best option.
- I do not remember Tarlov cyst surgeon so if one of you could kindly provide it for me so I can give it to Larisa. I think it would be good for her to travel to him(send her MRI to him) and discuss her MRI with him and what could be done in this area.
- I was operated with my own labrum tear by Laith Farjo in MI. He takes older patients and he does labrum tear research. I was assured by my PT that nobody had failed operation with him, nobody initially limps etc. I think it would be an excellent idea to show her labrum tear disk to him (he has out of town patients) and maybe have operation here. At least he will not make failed operation unlike many doctors who has this reputation at least here.

- I think if she has any of these operations she should undergo necessary PT and wait. I started to feel better in 1 year. I traveled to NH for one more EMG and mine significantly improved. It means that it takes time for nerve to start to improve. She should not jump to immediate conclusions since none of these things help immediately

- I think for all of us.
--check your SI joint
--check your labrum
--check for disk herniations, Tarlov cysts, turned sacrum and discs of Lumbar spine (mine were turned left)
--check for T10-T12 disorders, mine were turned left. It gives urination pain and spasms
Do it all before any operation for PN. And act on findings before operation for PN. Wait significant time after it is fixed before performing anything on your PN. Many times I hear stories how this operation does not work. So it is better to check everything else.
If there is no improvements you can start thinking about PN operation. I had it scheduled and some miracle made me cancel it last minute. Doctors say it does not make you worse. Well it does.
8 nerve blocks rel 6 w.Met Dr. Peters,Dr. Antolack.Dr. Peters pacemaker,Dr Antolack TG operation.Maigne s.Internal PT at Dr Peters Nothing.PFCN block rel 6 w. PFCN RFA.Nothing.SI joint RFA.Nothing.Left scar tissue removal.Good.SIJD. PT of SI joint ME, and Prolo of SI and PS.Lumbar spine facets turned left. ME. T10-12 facets too wide.T10 turned left.ME and Prolo.Labral tears in left hip, spurs.Will have operation at 09/18/13,Met with Dr Conway.EMG shows left PN problem.Good impression of Dr C.
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Violet M
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Re: Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

Post by Violet M »

Helen, for the painful scar she could try cold laser therapy.

I think if I had to pick between surgery on the labrum tear or the tarlov cysts I would try the labrum tear first since it's not in the spinal or nerve root area with is very delicate. Kim just posted about Dr. Frank Feigenbaum in the following thread. http://www.pudendalhope.info/forum/view ... =48&t=7817 He's the tarlov cyst expert.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

Post by helen1000 »

To Violet:
Larisa does have scar pain. But she also has anal and vaginal symptoms, her problem did not go away. She still has labrum tear and Tarlov Cyst. In her case it can help her scar but it will not help her main problem.
I did have cold laser too. I did it after labrum tear operation was done and SI joints, turned left spinal discs were fixed. It had tremendously good effect and helped healing process. I think it was because my problems were liquidated and it could speed up healing. In Larisa's case problems are still there and effect would be temporary and minimal.
8 nerve blocks rel 6 w.Met Dr. Peters,Dr. Antolack.Dr. Peters pacemaker,Dr Antolack TG operation.Maigne s.Internal PT at Dr Peters Nothing.PFCN block rel 6 w. PFCN RFA.Nothing.SI joint RFA.Nothing.Left scar tissue removal.Good.SIJD. PT of SI joint ME, and Prolo of SI and PS.Lumbar spine facets turned left. ME. T10-12 facets too wide.T10 turned left.ME and Prolo.Labral tears in left hip, spurs.Will have operation at 09/18/13,Met with Dr Conway.EMG shows left PN problem.Good impression of Dr C.
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Re: Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

Post by helen1000 »

To help Larisa, please, share your stories. If you had labrum tear or/ and Tarlov cyst operation, please, respond and share information about your recovery process.
Let me share my story first.
I personally had labrum tear on my left side and damage of pudendal nerve on the same side. I also had my T10-T12 spinal discs turned left and big distances in my facet joints in this area. And I had 2 side SI joint dysfunction and L5-Sacrum turned left and big, up to 5 mm distance in facet joints.
I was operated for labrum tear and went through strengthening PT for my left leg. It was very difficult considering my other problems. After that I went to muscle energy and pelvic floor PT.
My practitioner was Tina Fitzgerald and I cannot over stress how much she helped me. She put in place T10-T12 and taught me exercises to keep it in place. I also went through prolotherapy of this area. T10-T12 are having nerves that go down and cause spasms in lower abdomen and urinary area.
When this problem was liquidated I still did not feel so good and had my left hip joint quite inflamed and painful. Then Tina put in place my SI joints and my spine. After that I went through another round of prolotherapy. And then with my PS joint.
I was taught how to exercise and how to move without damaging my joints.
I went through cold laser therapy of my labrum tear, spine in 2 places and SI joints. It was not covered by insurance.
In approximately 8 months after operation to my surprise I started to feel better. And improvement continued for a long time. Even now, several years after operation, I can sit more etc.
I have fibromyalgia and other problems so I still cannot work. Obviously I cannot sit for 8 hours. But quality of my life significantly improved.
I never had Tarlov cyst. Obviously there are people who went through this operation. Please, share your path and how things are going on for you now. Please, help Larisa. I am a messenger for her, she does not speak a good English. But I would be very thankful for your help.
8 nerve blocks rel 6 w.Met Dr. Peters,Dr. Antolack.Dr. Peters pacemaker,Dr Antolack TG operation.Maigne s.Internal PT at Dr Peters Nothing.PFCN block rel 6 w. PFCN RFA.Nothing.SI joint RFA.Nothing.Left scar tissue removal.Good.SIJD. PT of SI joint ME, and Prolo of SI and PS.Lumbar spine facets turned left. ME. T10-12 facets too wide.T10 turned left.ME and Prolo.Labral tears in left hip, spurs.Will have operation at 09/18/13,Met with Dr Conway.EMG shows left PN problem.Good impression of Dr C.
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Re: Tarlov Cyst, Labrum Tear

Post by wannagetbetter »

Hi Helen - May I ask how old you are? I thought I read that labrum repair is less successful beyond some certain age, which I cannot remember. Since yours was successful I am hoping you are older, as I am, but please give us a ballpark range.
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