Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal, SIJD, Piriformis Syndrome etc
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by paulette »

Thank you for explaining what a shaper belt is. I used to wear a SI belt before I had the last disk removed and fused. Now it causes severe back pain. In Oct. I had my SI joint fused, using the new SI Bone technique. It involves using three implants that are placed across the joint. I did this with the assurance that the surgery could be reversed. The surgery helped with a lot of the SI joint pain, but seems to have made the pudendal nerve pain worse. It is more painful to sit and stand. I remember reading on the original tipna website that fusing the spine to the sacrum can cause PN. Can you explain why this happens? I mentioned removing the implants to my surgeon, and he said it would be difficult, because they would have to be pulled out, as opposed to spinal hardware which can be screwed out. I am not sure where to go from here.
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by paulette »

I tried a form of the Spanx, and it was so tight, I couldn't wear it. I finally decided to try wearing a pair of jeans. The snugness of the jeans made the SI joint feel more secure. Two months ago, I had my SI joint fused using the new minimally invasive i-fuse technique. Finally, I could lie down and not worry about getting tight. Before the surgery, I had to see the physical therapist every 2-3 days for deep tissue massage, just so I could stand up straight and walk. But the pudendal nerve symptoms are the same. I have pain in the sit bones, numbness in the rt. saddle area. If I reach for something or bend over just a little to brush my teeth, I can feel something pulling all the way from the SI joint area to the vagina. This also produces a "thick" feeling on the sit bone, like I am sitting on a leather strap. Is this a common pudendal neuralgia symptom? When I walk, I have to walk slowly, and take a small step with the rt. leg. I read in the original tipna website that fusing the spine to the sacrum can cause pudendal nerve entrapment or neuralgia, I don't know which. Do you know how this happens? Do you know the anatomy behind this occurrence? My symptoms did not occur until after my spine surgery, which included fusing the spine to the sacrum. Where do I turn next? Dr. Conway visited with me on the phone and stated he believed it was related to the spine surgery. So what do I do? The surgeon who did my SI joint said the screws in the sacrum angled anteriorly and could be irritating the S2 nerve root. Would you focus there before resorting to nerve blocks and pudendal nerve surgery? I have not been able to bend over to pick something up for two years. The same with sitting and walking. I am pretty helpless. I addressed this to Violet, but I welcome any input. Thank you! Paulette
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Violet M
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by Violet M »

Paulette, I don't know exactly what was done in your fusion surgery -- if it caused something to impinge on the nerve root, that could be causing your symptoms. Or if it changed the tilt of your pelvis in any way maybe that is irritating the nerve. Is it possible for you to get a consult with Dr. Hollis Potter? Maybe her 3TMRI could help you figure this out.
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by paulette »

Thank you for responding. What you said about the tilt of my pelvis could be very significant, as the surgeon gave me a very high, very extreme lordosis. Can you explain what this does to the pudendal nerve and what can be done about it? The problem with getting a MRI is all the hardware in my back, plus the titanium implants in my pelvis cause a lot of artifiact. This makes it very difficult to read the MRI. I will call the office and see what they have to say to about the matter. I would hate to go all the way to New York and find out they can't read the MRI. Is there someone closer to the midwest who does this type of MRI? Thank you for the information. Paulette
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by paulette »

I have another question I hope you can answer. If my symptoms are due to the tilt of my pelvis from my spine surgery, and the pudendal nerve is being stretched, is there any way pudendal nerve surgery would help me??? That was a long sentence, but thank you for you help. Paulette
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Violet M
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Re: Sacral Belt for SIJ joints

Post by Violet M »

Paulette, I don't know for sure but my theory is that if the tilt of the pelvis changes this could stretch or pull the ST or SS ligaments into a different position and since the PN runs between them, changing their position could compress or put pressure on the nerve.
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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