Meds to heal PN

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Meds to heal PN

Post by Ashley2486 »

Has anyone ever cured their pain with cymbalta or other pain meds to the point where when they get off of the meds they no longer have any symptoms?
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by Susanjane »

Ashley2486 wrote:Has anyone ever cured their pain with cymbalta or other pain meds to the point where when they get off of the meds they no longer have any symptoms?
In my opinion, I doubt that meds alone could cure known true physical damage. However, if the origin of the pain is diagnosed as psychological (emotional/psychosomatic) the meds can play their part while the sufferer heals by the mindbody route. I consider Cymbalta and other meds were essential for me by calming everything down and giving me the chance to do the real work of healing. I wrote about this in my success story ‘The Power of the Mind’.
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by Ashley2486 »

I was on the Cymbalta but I started losing hair like crazy and I thought it was the Cymbalta...But even now, I am still losing hair. I know I was seeing a SIGNIFICANT difference in my issues and pain while on the Cymbalta. It took a little bit, but I was starting to feel myself again...I am trying lexapro right now but I am not up on a high enough dose to even notice...but then I think to myself, if my tight muscles are pinching the nerve, is the Lexapro not going to help because Cymbalta helps with nerve pain as well? Or, as my therapist suggested, maybe my issues with urinating are due to anxiety and stress, along with the pain, and the reason I was seeing a difference on the Cymbalta is it was finally starting to work on my overall issues with anxiety and depression, making me relax and not feel any of these symptoms my stress may be causing. I'm not sure...
I am going to the physical therapist next Tuesday to try and see if she can do some dry needling on the trigger points in my bottom to see if that relaxes my muscles and stops all this once and for all...Here's to hoping!!!!

I am also starting to read Abigail Steidley's book!!!! I wrote her an email and she said my story sounds like a classic case of mind-body creating my pain.
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by kathyd »

Saw ur post and noticed what said about the mind etc.
I've realized for various reasons that for me, getting rid of pain is going to take calming down the sympathetic nervous system (the part that is responsible for fligjt or fight-- the part of me that is so scared of the pain and "guards", by using the para-sympathetic nervous system,- the calming part of the CNS.
My PT has some gentle exercises that gently rock the body like one rocks a baby,.I recently hurt my back so I have to careful for the moment.
Anyone know of ways to calm the sympathetic nervous system?
The most important way I know of is to take some time to do deep diaphramatic breathing for a few minutes daily, whenever u can.
You then send the breaths to the painful part of ur body and breathe out through that area, imagining healing that spot.
Any other thoughts on how to calm the sympathetic part by activating the para-sympathetic part of the nervous system?
mary jane
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by mary jane »

Ashley2486 wrote:Has anyone ever cured their pain with cymbalta or other pain meds to the point where when they get off of the meds they no longer have any symptoms?
YES ..this happened to me..I had really bad nerve pain around 2013 ..was on amitriptyline 50 mg and lyrica 300 mg...for 2 years.. (on lyrica for 8 months)
they took 3 months to remove the pain..
I then weaned off them and had 1 year and 4 months of zero pain whatsoever ....
it has now returned and am back on is more mild now however ..I take 20 mg amitriptyline ...
I think I have somehow damaged my CNS with years of severe anxiety. I have anxiety so severe I often feel like collapsing comes with fatigue and nocturnal panick attacks ...
The first time I had vulval pain it was after a small infection which shouldn;t have caused nerve came after a long period of severe stress and depression ...
also if you google through the vulvodyniasupport forums there are I think 2 or 3 more users with the exact same story ....
one took lyrica for 3 years, weaned off, had 3 years of no pain and then a recurrence ...but still, this goes to show it;s possible ...
tiny bartholin infection triggered vulvar nerve pain.
Diagnosed vulvodynia Sept '13 (no burning but electric shocks, paresthesia, aching, buzzing)
Feb 14- Taking 50 mg Ami/Elavil
May 14-pain free with 50 mg Amitriptyline and 300 mg Pregabalin. Back to normal
Dec 15- weaned off all medication, pain free, wearing skinny jeans
April 17- pain returned, Amitriptyline 50 mg. Something doesn't make sense in my diagnosis.
Currently treating depression and anxiety
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by Buttercup28 »


The only drug that has ever really helped with the nerve pain is Klonopin (Clonazepam). It is a life saver.

I am on and have been on loads of other drugs that have only caused horrendous side effects (especially Cymbalta which caused me to blow up like a whale).

~ Buttercup
Sudden pelvic pain onset that landed me in the ER 2x -- diagnosed with severe pelvic floor dysfunction and suspected IC. Diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia via MRI and EMG and hip impingement/labral tear on CTscan. Ran the gamut with tests, treatments, procedures, injections, drugs, etc. since then. Still on the quest for answers....
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by Alan1646 »

I've had good results with Valium in the past, but I'm reluctant to take it for long because it can be highly addictive and the withdrawal can be horrible.
I've been told by several doctors that Valium has no effect on pain. One theory is that the muscles or ligaments pressing on the nerve are relaxed by Valium. Another theory is that the psychological effect on the mind results in a decrease in pain.
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Re: Meds to heal PN

Post by stephanies »

It seems many people get relief from Valium or a similar med. I have figured out that these medications have zero effect on my pain and have trying to figure out what that means, I thought they helped for a while because I had some relief at night after taking Ativan, but I take 10 mg. of a tricyclic at the same time as the Ativan, and after I weaned off the tricyclic, and the Ativan had no effect on my pain, I realized it is the tricyclic helping my pain for a few hours.
PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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