Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

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Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

Post by make-it-stop »

I had been using a great cushion for my pudendal nerve pain, but now that my PT has stabbed me with a needle and I have needle trauma that hasn't been healing, I need a new cushion that will accommodate my new more intense pain at the site of the needle. The pain is just to the inner-side of the sit bone. Anyone have a cushion that avoids pressure at that site?
5/11: burning in all areas innervated by PN; self-diagnosed PN
5/11: pelvic floor PT (PT #1) did not help after 2 sessions; she gave up
12/11: Kalinkin MRI doesn't show anything significant
12/11: Consult with Hibner; agreed with PN diagnosis, likely due to tight pelvic muscles
12/11 - 12/13: Tried 4 other pelvic PTs - tbh, they weren't great - no results
1/14 - 11/15: pelvic PT with PT #6 (better results, feel about 30% better after 2.5 years of PT)
Related conditions: MPS, S.I dysfunction
Posts: 696
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:07 am

Re: Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

Post by stephanies »

I have pain in the same spot, I believe the PN travels right there. I use the twin cheeks extra firm and try to position the tender places over the opening so they are not kind of suspended off the seat/cushion. Hopefully your pain in the new area is temporary.

PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 6:53 am
Location: Chicago, IL

Re: Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

Post by make-it-stop »

Thanks Stephanies,

I thought of that but wasn't sure. I have their soft one. I might try the extra firm one.
5/11: burning in all areas innervated by PN; self-diagnosed PN
5/11: pelvic floor PT (PT #1) did not help after 2 sessions; she gave up
12/11: Kalinkin MRI doesn't show anything significant
12/11: Consult with Hibner; agreed with PN diagnosis, likely due to tight pelvic muscles
12/11 - 12/13: Tried 4 other pelvic PTs - tbh, they weren't great - no results
1/14 - 11/15: pelvic PT with PT #6 (better results, feel about 30% better after 2.5 years of PT)
Related conditions: MPS, S.I dysfunction
Posts: 696
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:07 am

Re: Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

Post by stephanies »

I first bought the softer one but it wasn't keeping the painful area suspended from the seat. Then I tried the extra firm and it is much better.

PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
Posts: 68
Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 6:53 am
Location: Chicago, IL

Re: Best Cushion for Pain Near Sitbone?

Post by make-it-stop »

I just saw it's $95...ugh!! If that were the only cushion I've bought it wouldn't be a big deal, but I've already purchased at least 10 - 15 different cushions at an average of $100 or more each. I'm going to try to cut up a cushion I already have to see if that will work first.

Of anyone has either a firm or extra firm twin cheeks cushion that didn't work for their pain, let me know. I may buy it from you at a price we agree on. It doesn't look like there are different sizes - for some reason I thought there were different sizes. For reference I have very narrow hips in case they used to be sizes.
5/11: burning in all areas innervated by PN; self-diagnosed PN
5/11: pelvic floor PT (PT #1) did not help after 2 sessions; she gave up
12/11: Kalinkin MRI doesn't show anything significant
12/11: Consult with Hibner; agreed with PN diagnosis, likely due to tight pelvic muscles
12/11 - 12/13: Tried 4 other pelvic PTs - tbh, they weren't great - no results
1/14 - 11/15: pelvic PT with PT #6 (better results, feel about 30% better after 2.5 years of PT)
Related conditions: MPS, S.I dysfunction
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