I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

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I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Honda1991 »

Hi to all,
Sorry for my not perfect english.I write from Italy, I am 24 years old and I stay in this satanic situation of pain and disfunctions since I was 21 years old.My symptomps are: scrotum pain, perineal pain, erectyle disfunction and I think practically every day to suicide, I can't accept to live the rest of my life in an handicap situation, I prefer to die.I have had bilateral Tir surgery with Dr Bautrant at may, this gave me some relief to my anal pain(is now more or less absent), but my most important and invalidant pain is, from my cyclist accident, in the anterior part(penis, scrotum and perineum).In december Dr Aszmann operated me with his anterior approach on pubic ramus, he helped me on scrotum and perineal pain, but I still am in a very invalidant situation, expecially because I am 24 years old and not 80.So, i would want to ask you: is there here someone who have had the anterior approach?What can you say me about the time recovery?When you begun yo see the first improvement (if there were improvement) in erection?
Thank you to all, I want my life back.
01/13 cyclist accident
09/13 Diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia
11/14 Botox injections in Obturator muscels and elevator ani muscles with Dr Bautrant- Worse
05/15 Bilateral Tir approach Dr Bautrant- improvement only in anal pain
12/15 Bilateral pubic ramus decompression with Dr Aszmann
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Honda1991 »

Obviously because of my pain I can't sit without a cushion for little time(and before the surgery less than now) and I have almost not social life and, obviously, not sexual life and not a girlfriend.Dr Bodner saw also a bilateral entrapment, with the MRI, between the SS and ST ligaments, and I probably will need also a TG approach in the next months.Do you think the perineal pain derives from the pubic ramus entrapment or the SS/ST entrapment?Now, after the surgery, speaking only about pain, is my most important problem(before the surgery, It was the scrotum pain).
01/13 cyclist accident
09/13 Diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia
11/14 Botox injections in Obturator muscels and elevator ani muscles with Dr Bautrant- Worse
05/15 Bilateral Tir approach Dr Bautrant- improvement only in anal pain
12/15 Bilateral pubic ramus decompression with Dr Aszmann
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Violet M
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Violet M »

Honda, it took me 9 months before I was able to discontinue narcotics and 18 months before I could sit for very long. I continued to have improvement slowly over several years. I did not have the anterior approach from Dr. Aszmann. I had the TIR from Bautrant. It seems like you might want to wait longer before trying anymore surgery. Many of the US doctors do not feel the MRI is an accurate tool to determine if you have a nerve entrapment. Surgery is not always the answer either and if you do have surgery it takes many months and a lot of patience for the nerves to heal.

I had primarily perineal pain. My entrapments were at SS/ST, alcock's, and falciform process of the ST ligament so I can't say for sure which was the most significant but I'm quite certain the ST/SS ligament was a problem because if that area was pressed on before surgery it was very painful. Have you tried any physical therapy yet?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Honda1991 »

I tried practically all before my failed Bautrant's surgery(pelvic floor physioterhapy, drugs, biofeedback, yoga, botox who worse me, exercises to relax muscles), but nothing gave me some result, I made a mistake because I might have to do the decompression in the first year of suffering, because is the only treatment which gave me some result, but now I am scared is too late to heal and I don't absolutely want to live in this way, waiting for natural death 50 years in suffering, I prefer to die.I have practically no social life, I am condamned to stay alone for all life, I have E.D. like a 90 years old man, I would want to do the assisted suicide(don't say to me to go to psychologists or similar, beacuse I go but is useless, my life hasn't sense and some words don't chamge nothing).Anyway, I think the nerve isn't free in SS/ST, I made a big mistake also to do the TIR, Aszmann had to again the perineum because there was a lot of scar tissue around the nerve at ischiorectal fossa, so I probably will do also the TG as a last chance before to decide what I have to do with my "life".I am very scared that I will not never Heal from E.D. and there is some permanent damage...I am 24 years old and I have E.D. since I was 21...what life is this?
01/13 cyclist accident
09/13 Diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia
11/14 Botox injections in Obturator muscels and elevator ani muscles with Dr Bautrant- Worse
05/15 Bilateral Tir approach Dr Bautrant- improvement only in anal pain
12/15 Bilateral pubic ramus decompression with Dr Aszmann
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Honda1991 »

I read some people are healed from E.D. with the anterior approach?In how much time in this symptomp?
01/13 cyclist accident
09/13 Diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia
11/14 Botox injections in Obturator muscels and elevator ani muscles with Dr Bautrant- Worse
05/15 Bilateral Tir approach Dr Bautrant- improvement only in anal pain
12/15 Bilateral pubic ramus decompression with Dr Aszmann
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Redevil »

HI Honda,
I also went under surgery for pudendal nerve release about 8 weeks ago. My story is bit similar to you, as I also suffer from weak erections but mainly due to tingling sensation.
On a good day, I'm able to achieve fairly good erection (but not as used to be before all this started). Till now my recovery has been rocky, improvements are inconsistent and erratic. But doctors do say it can take up to a year for nerve to function normal.
I can relate to you for not able to achieve erection and its effect on your social life but hang in there, you have suffered a lot and hopefully tides will change this year for both of us.
One thing I want to ask you is what do you feel/experience when you are trying to achieve erection. In my case its tingling sensation in scrotum (not penis) and anus.
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Honda1991 »

Yes, I also have this tingling sensation, but, substantially, only in the high part of anus, where probably I still have an entrapment between SS/ST ligaments...what type of surgery do you did?With which doctor?
01/13 cyclist accident
09/13 Diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia
11/14 Botox injections in Obturator muscels and elevator ani muscles with Dr Bautrant- Worse
05/15 Bilateral Tir approach Dr Bautrant- improvement only in anal pain
12/15 Bilateral pubic ramus decompression with Dr Aszmann
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Redevil »

I had Trans-gluetal surgery performed on left hip(glute) to free pudendal nerve, which was trapped between ligaments performed by Dr Andreas Loefler in Sydney. Dr Loefler has written in Post-op surgery report that there were several bands running deep through ligament. The nerve itself was found to be compressed be these bands. Sacrotuberous ligament was severed(removed) to release the nerve. Due to large veins over sacrospinous ligament, they could not remove it but they did free the nerve.
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Andy_Pablo »

I can relate to a lot of your issues, including the cause. The irony of cycling to stay fit putting me into this state of vegetation is certainly not lost on me. Life does have a cruel sense of humour. But I digress, I just wanted to state that I had TG surgery in Bristol several months ago & while my pain & symptoms still fluctuate wildly, the ED issue seems to have resolved itself to a large degree. There is hope. It just needs time & patience sadly. You are not alone my friend.
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Violet M
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Re: I have had anterior approach 6 weeks ago

Post by Violet M »

Honda, there are people who have had nerve pain longer than you have, who had successful results from surgery, so hopefully you will heal and won't have permanent damage. Since you are young you have a better chance for healing. Maybe the TG is right for you as you say, but if you decide to try it, remember it can take many months for nerves to heal so you have to be patient in the recovery period even if you have the TG approach. There was a time I did not want to live but now, 11 years later, life is good again. I had some very bad symptoms that people said were not curable, but I am mostly cured now. So try to hang on and give yourself a chance to heal before you end it all. Three years from now, if you are much better, you will be happy you stayed strong and tried all of the options available to you.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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