L5 S1 nerve impingement.

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L5 S1 nerve impingement.

Post by river133 »

I will never know if back surgery could of helped the pain down my leg and foot. It seems as though my left leg is getting weaker.
I was silly enough to think that I would have my intrathecal pain pump by now. I left a very upsetting message to the implant scheduler on Fri. At least they could have gotten back to me to tell me some thing! I have not heard a thing in over a month.
. It does not take a month for ins . approval. All I need is a date for the implant.,I need to keep reminding myself of what I am grateful for. . . Sometimes it is difficult. Besides that,I dropped a stainless steel saute pan on my big toe today. OUCH! Gotta keep smiling and hoping.
Surgery Jan.05 2011 TG with Dr Antalok. Dr.Chambi May of 2012 showed injury from a fall on back, 11 years ago. My piriformis muscle caused a large amount of fibrosis .My sciatic nerve was growing through the piriformis muscle which caused a bifid p.muscle. . Dr Chambi decompressed the sciatic,pudendal,pfcn ,and peroneal nerves. I hope to have a nuerostimulator put in to help with the sciatic pain that never goes away. Most days are better with the pudendal if I do not sit at all.
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