Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Trigger Point injections, Myofascial Massage techniques, and many more.
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Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by SarahL »

I have been suffering from PN for over 2 years and like most people, I went the round of mis dx. I saw Dr. Conway and got a positive dx of PNE in three areas. I have been to 2 excellent PTs, one is quite well-known, but have not improved. In some cases, I have gotten worse. I feel as if I am running out of options (I did the acupuncture route, hypnotherapy, all of the meds mentioned on this site--well, most of them!--I've seen two pain specialists and had those awful injections, which gave me a pain flare, and a few more non-conventional modalities). I am at my wit's end. I can't see how PT can really do much, plus, my insurance only allows 12 visits and I am already maxed out. Any guidance or success stories with PT would be appreciated. I am feeling like it is just snake oil and trying to decide if I should continue. Thanks, Bekah
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by desperate »

Negative. Year and a half almost and it did F all for me. Being honest here. Not sure what is the solution or treatment for this bc no matter what people do it does nothing Or makes them worse.
Pudendal pain started in Feb 2014. Potter MRI- useless findings (dont waste your money), tried pelvic floor pt, ART, Trigenics, Osteopathic treatment, fascial work, Massage, Shockwave, world renown chiros, osteopaths and PTs, stretching bla bla. Nothing helped but shockwave (which was short lived) and one world renown chiro that is a douchebag because he cant treat me again. All in all, God is the only one who can lead your path.
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by make-it-stop »

Sarah, if your nerve is entrapped (you said you've been diagnosed with pudendal nerve entrapment), wouldn't you have to have surgery to get it un-entrapped? Or were you told there is a way for them to untrap the pudendal nerve through some type of pelvic floor therapy? I'm kinda confused now. I thought if it's PNE you needed surgery and if it's just PN (pudendal neuralgia) without entrapment then that is when PT might help. Do you know what is entrapping the nerve - a ligament?
5/11: burning in all areas innervated by PN; self-diagnosed PN
5/11: pelvic floor PT (PT #1) did not help after 2 sessions; she gave up
12/11: Kalinkin MRI doesn't show anything significant
12/11: Consult with Hibner; agreed with PN diagnosis, likely due to tight pelvic muscles
12/11 - 12/13: Tried 4 other pelvic PTs - tbh, they weren't great - no results
1/14 - 11/15: pelvic PT with PT #6 (better results, feel about 30% better after 2.5 years of PT)
Related conditions: MPS, S.I dysfunction
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by Alan1646 »

I believe that it can have a short term effect but that it doesn't offer a cure.
Discussion here: http://www.pudendalhope.info/forum/view ... =32&t=6591
Some practitioners charge a great deal of money and I have yet to hear of one that offers a money back guarantee.
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by Lily721 »

I had 3 separate PT therapies with very qualified PT's (I'm in NY so I had pretty good choices) Never helped me at all. It's so frustrating. I don't know. I wouldn't tell someone not to try it, of course, but, for me, personally it never helped the burning. It helped my lower back and my legs, thighs, stomach, etc. (but never the actual reason I went (vaginal burning) I had inter-vaginal and inter-anal... all to no avail

The last PT told me my vaginal muscles were actually quite relaxed... which just freaked me out more because I felt like well why am I still burning.

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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by Ray P. »

Didn't help me.
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by ezer »

1 to 3 hours of pain relief max. Be it at the 1st session or the 100th. Same response. All my trigger points were back after 3 days.
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by stephanies »

PT only caused me flares, not even short term relief. I hope it works better for you.
PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by Butterfly »

I am certain I would not have gotten better without PT. I have had to see multiple people, all with different skill sets and varying levels of expertise. Had I only seen one or two, I know I would not have gotten better.

One thing that contributed to my vaginal burning, was not PN related. It was cause by low estrogen in the vagina and vulva skin, making it very thin. This is one of the things that caused pelvic PT to make my burning symptoms worse during my second bout with PN. Using a topical estrogen cream in the vagina and vulva area relieved that issue.

I also had a hemorrhoid that was contributing to my rectal burning, and had that banded.

It is often important to have other contributing factors ruled out by practitioners such as a Genital Dermatologist, GYN specializing in PN, and a colo rectal Doctor.
H/O SIJD. PN began 3/2012 @ age 44 while undergoing pelvic floor PT. Went into remission after 6 mos. tx @ Clear Passage + meds. PN returned 1 yr later. Went back to Clear Passage for 6 mos & didn't improve. Sought out a protege of Guy Voyer for ortho PT for SIJD and PN pain got 80-90% better after 2 months. Resumed meds and began tx with pelvic PT Tracy Sher (PN specialist) 1/2015, started tx with Dr. Guy Voyer, GYN osteopath 4/2015. Pain free since 7/2015 and tapering off meds.
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Re: Has PT REALLY helped anyone?

Post by strongsteve »

PT has been a waste of time, nerve blocks been a waste of time, everything been a waste of time. The only way I escape this intractable pain is a heavy dose of oxycodone and a valium suppository then chasing all that with booze.
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