A pain reduction of 1 on the VAS is pitiful. We were told by David Wise that we would become pain free with perseverance. Pain free is not a "1" in pain reduction.
Regarding that new study, David Wise advises you during the clinic to give up pain medication!! He says that it is key to a full *ahem* recovery because pain medications interfere with doing "paradoxical relaxation". No wonder those patients stopped taking it.
They did not stop pain medication because they felt better. They stopped or claimed they stopped (easier said than done (1) --I am sure they were not given a 12-panel drug test) because David Wise told them to do it.
Not exactly. They were all over us to return the questionnaire at the 6 months mark with incessant and annoying phone calls. I returned my questionnaire saying that I did not improve. I then got the 2nd questionnaire 18 months later but never got a reminder this time to return it. How convenient for them to be able to eliminate someone that was probably not going to help their statistics.What happened to the 84 people that were dropped from the study...?????
They were sent questionnaires but did not respond. That's pretty typical for such post-treatment questionnaires.
‘So going down one grade on that scale is very significant, especially after only 6 months
No, it is not impressive. They stopped improving at the 6 months mark. What you get after 6 months is as good as it gets. The study clearly states it is the same score after 23 months.
I should have been. The clinic is clearly targeted to people like myself. I am the perfect target demographic (after all I recovered with mind-body practice). Instead, Dr. Rodney Anderson of Wise-Anderson protocol fame diagnosed me with PNE, an absurd diagnostic (which also highlights the bizarre dissonance between Wise and Anderson).Now it is clear some patients, such as you, are complete non-responders.
But the fact regarding the Wise Anderson protocol is that PT is useless (it is pain management only) and paradoxical relaxation does not address your emotional baggage.
I am not being facetious. I do not know a single person that has recovered with the Wise-Anderson protocol. Even your success stories list, CPPS-Admin, is ultra short (and I know 2 patients from the list that have relapsed since).
(1) It took me 2 months to taper off only 30mg of oxycodone and another 5 months of tough recovery to feel like a human again so it seems dubious to report that people discontinue seamlessly their pain medication. It is equally tough with SSRIs and other types of medications.