I've had a time with doctors & such lately. My gyno is very distracted, & became quite abrupt when I said I've been doing some research on the meds she wanted me to start. I'm 52 & afraid of having a stroke or heart attack if I go on the Pill. When I go to see the doctors, my PGAD flares up. When I get overly stressed at work, it flares up also.. I KNOW mine is connected to stress & how I'm handling (or NOT handling) it..
Since I've ruled out taking the Pill for my lengthy list of female problems, can anyone tell me if having a hysterectomy might have adverse effects on my PGAD/PN??
I think if they took out all those female parts that are causing some of my problems, I'd maybe have less to stress over.. Having periods that last up to 2 weeks is certainly no fun at all. Endometrial ablation also scares me a bit. Apparently it's not always effective for someone with my problems: I've got a sub-septate uterus, nabothian cysts & fibroids, menorraghia, & adenomyosis.. It can make the rest of my periods more painful than they already are.. I'd also be worried about it aggravating my pudendal nerve. Along with my PGAD, I also get electric pain along my labia & clitoris.. Would a hysterectomy also cause PN/PGAD aggravation?
I'm really tired of all these female problems.. I'm sure it's no fun for my hubby either, waiting & waiting for my stupid period to be over.

On the road of discovery to see what is causing my PGAD.