Botox for tailbone pain

Botox options, which Doctors use this form of treatment and techniques offered.
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Botox for tailbone pain

Post by jaxi123 »

Can Botox help tailbone pain? If so, how would it be given?
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Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:27 pm

Re: Botox for tailbone pain

Post by carlosmartinez1 »

Did you suffered an accident before the cxy pain started or it started after a long period of inactivity (bed due to surgery , or pain)
When I was at the climax of PNE pain, (2010-2011) I stay the whole time in bed, as a result I began to suffer pain in coccxy, my physiatrist examined me and found ligaments attached to coccyx debilitated. He used prolotherapy, in 48 hours my coccxy pain was gone. Only Dr (specialist) in Puerto Rico I really thrust, including half dozens of neurologist, physiatrist, urologists, who dont event know what PNE is.
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