PN pain after sexual encounter

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PN pain after sexual encounter

Post by Lookingforhelp »

I am a 23 year old male. After a session of unprotected intercourse with a girlfriend I developed PN symptoms. This was 5 mo ago and the pain is still there. I have been tested for every std, all negative. I have burning in my genital region and all the way down my legs and on the bottom of my feet. Also have burning on the side of my face and and on various spots of arms. I'm having severe muscle spasms throughout my body as well. Along with lower back pain. All mri's are negative. Sed rate and crp and other inflammation marker tests have all came back as negative as well. I also have balanitis on penis that has not responded to typical treatment. I have tested positive for lymes, anaplasmosis, and enrichliosis all tick borne infections. However the pain has not responded to typical antibiotics. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar situation or luck treating the lymes and the pain going away? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Violet M
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Re: PN pain after sexual encounter

Post by Violet M »


I'm really sorry to hear this has happened to you. I found a couple of articles on lyme's that might interest you.

Were you treated very soon after you developed the disease?

Maybe it would be worth an evaluation by a pelvic floor PT to see if your pelvic floor is tense. Also building up your immune system and some medications to keep the pain at bay could be important. The medscape article suggested alternative medicine. Sometimes naturopaths are better at helping you build up your immune system than traditional Western docs are. Are you taking anything for pain now or using any natural remedies like heat/ice? Have you tried acupuncture? What about ketamine infusions to calm down the burning? With your widespread symptoms you want to fend off central sensitization. Just brainstorming ideas for you to research.

Take care,

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: PN pain after sexual encounter

Post by Afridi30 »

am a 23 year old male. After a session of unprotected intercourse with a girlfriend I developed PN symptoms. This was 5 mo ago and the pain is still there. I have been tested for every std, all negative. I have burning in my genital region and all the way down my legs and on the bottom of my feet. Also have burning on the side of my face and and on various spots

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