First MRI

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First MRI

Post by ColSkiier36 »

Hi everyone,
I am having my first MRI done soon. Can someone let me know if their MRI showed issues with the nerve? My neurologist just started me on Gralise and it has been working for the pain but is giving me headaches. The Dr. couldn't believe I've never had an MRI and had a hysterectomy, and my previous Dr. gave me a week trial of the InterStim without doing an MRI! I just don't know who to trust in the medical system anymore. :(
Pelvic Pain started 2008 Endometrosis diagnosed May 2012 Partial Hysterectomy w/ left ovary removal Nov 2012
Urinary issues and pelvic floor issues Sept 2013 InterStim Trial May 2014 (worked but opted for no surgery)
Diagnosed Pudendal Nerve Damage May 2014 Diagnosed Urinary Retention May 2014
Currently exploring options to heal!
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Violet M
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Re: First MRI

Post by Violet M »

My MRI's didn't show anything with the nerve but 3T MRI's with special settings to enhance nerves weren't available at the time. My understanding is that regular MRI's won't show the pudendal nerves. I don't know if there are any places near you that use software to enhance the nerves such as the 3T MRI using Dr. Hollis Potter's protocol or the MRN (magnetic resonance neurography).

Good luck. I would be interested to hear how it turns out for you.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: First MRI

Post by ladybird »

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are in pain - but this is definetly a good place to read through and find out about all the specific options we have available to us.

I know with MRIs that - like Violet said - given they cost so much - make sure that the person doing the MRI knows how to look specifically for the pudendal nerve. Have you connected up with a nerve pain clinic? They usually have preferred MRI specialists that they work with so be sure that you don't just go to any old place.

The management and treatment of pelvic nerve pain is still embryonic - so sadly there is a fair bit of trial and error we have to go through.

Remember as well that you can have pelvic nerve pain and still nothing will show up on the MRI......

Have you had any luck with medications? Lyrica and Endep/Amitriptyline are the first general meds patients with nerve pain are told to trial.

I started taking Ibuprofen today which has lowered my pain which is nice. But we all know that there can be grace periods with these meds so who knows what I'll be saying in a week :roll:. I have a TENS that what the InterStim trial feels like?

Speak soon. x
My pelvic pain presents as a constant dull ache, fluttering/buzzing throughout my pelvic region. My pelvic diaphram is stressed due to my musculoskeletal system adapting to my uneven hips, which reduces blood flow to the nerves/muscles which is why I believe I have chronic pelvic pain.
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