Hope this is okay to post here. I read Dr. Conway is out on leave because of having surgery. Does anyone know when he will be returning to see patients or if he ever will?
Any info about Dr. Conway
Any info about Dr. Conway
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.