I'm going to check out the Uline packs - never heard of them and will share with my PT. My understanding is that the alcohol is needed to keep the ice from getting too cold -if you add a little too much alcohol the ice won't freeze, and you can make it slushy on purpose so it's better tolerated.
Fortunately, my vulvodynia is still cured since surgery so I'm not needing ice for labial burning - Hallelujah!!! I'm even tolerating underwear for the first time in years.
Internal ice pack! Yeah
Re: Internal ice pack! Yeah
Acute left vag/rectal pain 1999 lowering into chair. Dx 2006 with PNE/VV by PTs, Dr. Garcia, Weiss, Hibner. Many shots. PNMLT: left PN barely fuctional. Left TIG by Dr. Hibner 2007 (ST lig). 75% improved 1 year postop, slow decline. Pelvic floor Botox 2010. Left sacral SCS 2011 after good trial; removed 2012 due to NEW left S2 & rectal pain, bowel freq. Re-do left TIG by Dr. H & 5-day ketamine 2013; 1-1/2 years postop 70% improved. New post-SCS Sx are worse than PN Sx.