Effexor for pain

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Effexor for pain

Post by mesquite »

My pain mgt. doctor told me that Effexor has pain relieving qualities. As I cannot take narcotics, am on Neurontin, am allergic to Lyrica and have failed nearly all other pain drugs, I am going to try Effexor tomorrow. I was stunned to learn this. Has anyone had any success with this drug for pain? My doctor who prescribed it said it would take a couple of days to work. Tramadol started to cause 4 migraines per week so I had to limit it to one day per week. Bummer! I do use Morphine Sulphate and Belladona rectal suppositories and they are very helpful, FYI.
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Re: Effexor for pain

Post by JackieOUCH »

Effexor has helped me quite a bit with very few side effects.

It helps with pain, sleep and calms the nervous system.

It can be constipating, especially at first. Drink lots of water and take something like Metamucil.

Good luck,

Jackie OUCH
Started with severe burning sacral pain to R hip/pelvis, bladder, bowel
History Endometriosis
Antolak Diagnosed PN--1 PN block made pain much worse & more widespread for a year
PT 2 yrs--Did not help physically, but was educational
Potter MRI: Symmetric thickening Sacrotuberous ligaments/scarring ischial & Alcocks canal.
Mod 6
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Re: Effexor for pain

Post by Mod 6 »

FYI, Effexor is an SNRI, the same class of drugs as Cymbalta and Savella.

Posts: 34
Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:57 pm
Location: East Central Illinois

Re: Effexor for pain

Post by rick »

According to my pain dr. cymbalta is more effective to relieve pain and has less side effects than effexor.

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