New Member -- Linda

Welcome to HOPE. We have tried to provide a place for newcomers to make their introductions. We will try our best to make you welcome and guide you through our website and Forum and assist you as best as we can through any questions you have regarding Pudendal Neuralgia.
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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:40 pm

New Member -- Linda

Post by lindawright »

hi to all,
my surgery date was mid July, over four months with no change. I am now wondering if I need a redo surgery by someone else. I have been told the nerves should have been treated so they quit firing? How much longer should I wait for improvement before trying another doctor? This doctor doesn't believe in post op pt! I need to know I am working toward improvement. My post op care at the hospital was horrific, they sat me up right on my surgery site and left there for five hours waiting for room on the floor. I wonder if this put me off to a bad start right from the start. All I can get from the doctor is I had so much damage.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 314
Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:42 pm
Location: Michigan

Re: Welcome to HOPE -

Post by Griff522 »

Welcome Linda. So sorry to hear about your hospital experience. I can't even imagine the pain you must have been in. Who did your surgery?

BTW my name is Linda also :D
Burning vulva pain began 10/09
Treated for SIJD 9/10 and burning stopped and pain localized to rt side
Surgery w/ Dr Dellon 5/11 - didn't help my pain
2012 - PT, massage therapy, and ART therapy from chiropractor
MRI showed labral tear and US of groin found hernias
2/13 - surgery for sports hernia
5/13 - still have obturator internus spasms
5/13 - appt with ortho spine dr
8/16/13 - Arthroscopic surgery to rt hip for FAI and torn labrum
Posts: 437
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:11 am
Location: Orange County, CA

Re: Welcome to HOPE -

Post by pianogal »

Hi Linda,

It takes at least 9 months to know if the surgery has been helpful. If a doctor is suggesting another surgery 4 months out run like the plague because he obviously doesn't know enough about nerves and may have financial benefit in multiple surgeries. That is, if he is the same doctor that I went to first(read my profile) (my 2nd doc was better however). With that first surgery, they had me sitting right on my incisions too... terribly stupid and painful!

You've come to a good place here. Welcome.
-straddle fall age 4-7 w/bleeding labia, tampons hurt in teens, papsmere started annoying pelvic 'tingling' & pne in 02
-obturator surgery w/ Filler in 05 (useless, created sciatic & plantar fascitis pain)
-TIR surgery w/ Bautrant in 08 and vestibulectomy in 08 in France (vest. removed pain w/intercourse, pain w/sitting increased post surgery)
-chronic fatigue & food allergies/migraines (gluten, milk) from pain meds in 08
-want a life back. I'm 34 w/8+ years of pain
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:40 pm

Re: New Member -- Linda

Post by lindawright »

Thanks for both your reply. I did read pianogals profile, and yes my doctor was with Aaron Filler. I now have sciatic pain running down left side of leg. I have a five month recheck appt. in December. We will see, but I think he will suggest more MRN's for $3,000.oo. I'll let you know after the appt. I am curious why you haven't had the redo surgery with Dr. Hibner? It was suggested I make appt. now, since it takes awhile to get there. I am also curious to what pain meds are working for any of you out there. Linda
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