Prof Roberts Nantes consultation

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Prof Roberts Nantes consultation

Post by purdy »

Hi all, Anyone know how long the wait is to hear back from Professor Roberts in Nantes? Not sure how long to leave it before chasingit up, or even how long the wait is for a rendezvous? My wait for a local Neurologue is October, bit think it is worth trying to see Prof Robert instead.
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Re: Prof Roberts Nantes consultation

Post by Rosemary »

Hi again Purdy

For one way of getting a possible answer could i suggest that you look up the pelvic pain support network in the uk on google and join their message board - a lady on there recently was posting about travelling to nantes for an appointment -under the questions link at the top.

Also a lady called Judy Birch from the support network is a 'link' for people from the uk going to nantes so she may be able to help you concerning waiting times. Although as you are already in France it may be much quicker.

I love the way you call it a rendezvous - sounds so much nicer than an appointment :)

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Re: Prof Roberts Nantes consultation

Post by purdy »

Hee hee...sorry in France it is a rendezvous! I wish I could remember more of the french language in my every day use! :lol:
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue May 28, 2013 3:44 pm

Re: Prof Roberts Nantes consultation

Post by purdy »

The wait was October, but now it has been moved to December!!!!!!!!
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