My response to all of the above is: And?
You're reiterating what I stated in my initial post in this thread. Namely, if we're going to be skeptical about the Wise-Anderson protocol, we should be consistent w. that skepticism, and also aim it towards PNE & the surgeries associated with it. And when we do, we find there's not much data there, what data exists isn't particularly convincing (hence my comment re. insufficient sample sizes), and the anecdotal 'evidence' is also pretty underwhelming.
At that point you came in and asked me if there was really 'not much' data, or in fact 'none''. I responded by saying 'not much, but what little there is, isn't particularly good.' When you then skimmed the few studies I directed you to, your conclusion was, 'these aren't good'. And to that I say, 'I know, that was my point!'
Which leads us to this...
Gigas wrote:Seems like an awfully slender reed on which to base a surgery decision.
Agreed. Unfortunately though, there's not a lot of reliable info available around any of this stuff. But when you're desperate, as many of us here are, sometimes your only resort
is to make decisions based on the few slender reeds that
are available.