Member seeks support in Houston

Coordinator for Houston Team, Surgeon - Dr. Ansell
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Member seeks support in Houston

Post by Mod8 »

Hi all, Is there anyone in the Houston area who can get in touch with a member who's really struggling. She posts by the name of torbjorn but is having difficulty logging in. She'd like to meet others in her area of Houston who could give a bit of verbal support and information.
She lives in Katy, Texas. (She's currently seeing Dr. Popeney.)

Anyone out there who's willing to make contact with this lady could you please PM me and I'll pass on her details to you.


Mod 8
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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by maryflaw »


I too am am patient of Dr. Popeney and and suffer with PN. I would be very happy to give as much help and support as I can. Also, I am new to this forum and looking for support myself.
If my post is responded to I will then give contact information.

Kindest regards,

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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by brnice »

I am in Montgomery, Tx. I am seeing Popeney and just had bilateral surgery December 2 with Dr Ansell. Already having improvements, although still cannot sit for long.

I would love to connect with someone in the area with PN.
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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by maryflaw »

Hi Brnice,

That's wonderful that you are having good results so quickly. My hope for you is that you will continue to heal and have this neurological disease far behind you. Dr. Popeney is a really great physician and I feel blest to have him. I have seen Dr. Ansell only once and so I don't really know him at all. This is a really ugly disease and it is hard to live with and those around us are not always understanding. May I ask if you surgery was paid in part by your insurance company or was it viewed as elective surgery?

I live in Houston and I would be very happy to talk to you. Would you like my phone number or do you just want to communicate through the forum? I wish you the speediest recovery!!

Happy New Year

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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by clm »

Hello, i just started living in Montgomery, TX, and would like to privately via email first contact the other Montgomery, TX, PN poster- brnice. I had successful rt side PN release surgery four years ago by Dr. Ansell. I felt great again after surgery, and so, moved to a different country. I re-injured the area four-months post-op, and just managed the pain conservatively with pain meds until I returned to TX recently, after three years overseas. The pain is increasing again, with all the extra physical and personal side effects. The steroid shots from dr. Popeney's team help the most. I would love to contact the person in Montgomery, my new neighborhood, for a support group. Katy, TX, is probably too far away for me now to help in a local support group. Also, Dr. Popeney and his team are wonderful, and I am seeing them for the steroid shots again, and the first two series helped alot. Dr. Ansell and his team were wonderful too when they did my surgery four years ago, I hope he will keep taking care of PN patients. Thank you for this forum y'all administrators and contributors. Sincerely, CLM.
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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by Carlie »

Hi, Have you ever considered using Gemini Pain Clinic in the Woodlands? I know nothing about them and I mean nothing. Do you know anything at all? Do you have any Womens Health Physical Therapist who can help you? Houston has a lot, and I think there are some in Katy. I would suggest getting Ansel to write a script for some PT if there is no other recourse and have them try to work on you. They need to be certified in Pelvic Floor, which is the Womens Health PT. Better than living on meds, I think. The success to a PNE surgery, in my opinion is having a GOOD PT work on you. The Amy Stein method is a powerhouse for PNE. She is out of New York and is very good with PNE. She has written some books you can get online through Amazon and read and seek this kind of help. She is a whiz. I did not have someone like her and I paid dearly. Consider the info and talk with your doctor. Injections will only do so much; I had a barrel full of them to no avail. Have you read Dr. Antolak's interview? He nails it well. Smart man. Take care, Carlie
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Re: Member seeks support in Houston

Post by clm »

Hi, i am am post PN surgery br Dr. Ansell and Dr. Popeney about four years ago, and near-perfect recovery, bless them. I got PN from lifting a heavy coffee table while walking backwards - like a weightlifter does a lift, jerk, and release with a back step added. Last week, thinking about it, my SI joint (i am hypermobile too) may have opened up on right side like a clam shell and trapped and crushed the nerve on back step and table release (opened and closed right SI joint with nerve caught inside :-( I think my PN pain is mostly gone now.
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