Is there a way to kill the nerve to clitoris

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Is there a way to kill the nerve to clitoris

Post by Jprice252 »

Is it possible to kill or numb the nerve to the clitoris. Wouldn't this get rid of pgad if the nerve is dead, no signals could go to the clitoris. I don't care about having orgasms. Is there a doctor anyone would know of to talk about this.
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Re: Is there a way to kill the nerve to clitoris

Post by Meliora »

Hi Judy, I am sorry you are so miserable. Have you tried medication for your PGAD or seen a PN doctor? I know there are studies about PGAD and dilated pelvic veins potentially causing PGAD. Maybe you could check into seeing if you have an enlarged clitoral vein as a possibility. Sometimes certain health issues can cause nerve irritation if it's not due to entrapment.

As far as destroying the nerve to your clitoris, I would think a doctor would want to try to find another way to help you, besides actually damaging your nerves. I also do not know what ethnically a doctor would feel about it or could actually do. I have read about pulsed radio frequency as way to help pudendal pain, perhaps it could be used to lessen the signal to the dorsal nerve (clitoral nerve.) I understand feeling desperate to get better, but I would think there has to be a better way to help you.
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Violet M
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Re: Is there a way to kill the nerve to clitoris

Post by Violet M »

Judy, I'm sorry, I understand how awful PGAD is because I used to have it.

Unfortunately, clitoral neurectomy is not a guaranteed successful way to treat PGAD but there are physicians who will do this. (You could talk to Dr. Conway.)

There is a published case of someone having this done and it was ineffective. I also know another woman who had it done but still has PGAD.

Before going the clitoral neurectomy route you might want to try more conservative therapies first. I'm not sure what you have tried so far but there's a long thread on PGAD that might give you some ideas. ... &start=210 Do you have any idea what caused your PGAD?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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