still waiting & getting nowhere

Treatment options for UK & Irish members; including VHI & HSE criteria for funding and E112 Applications etc.
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Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:58 pm

Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by molly »

Hi Vanco,

I also very sorry to hear your situation I think most of us can empathise with you.

There is a very good pelvic physio in Ireland called Maeve Wheelan,

she is well qualified in pelvic pain issues, and probably be able to give you a diagnosis, and help with pelvic muscle tightness. You can goggle her she works out of Milltown I think.

Good luck keep us informed how you get on.

Regards Molly
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Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by vanko »

Thank you Janet and Molly for your support. I was in a clinic and was told I have tensed pelvic muscles and we work on it but I need Doctor to diagnose me because they don't recognise the physiotherapist's opinion. Few weeks ago I went to see Doctor privately if he could gives me diagnose but I was sent away after 15 min. with no diagnose, but referred for an injection. I showed to him MRIs, EMG tests and letter from the Physiotherapist giving valuable information about the tensed pelvic muscles but he DIDN'T EVEN open it and gave it me back. Is this a professional approach for finding the problems, I don't think so.
I have to apply for some kind of illness benefits but nobody will accept application form without proper diagnose.
I paid 160€ for 15 min, going there with hope to get some help, but leaving with more stress and depression leading to suicidal thoughts.
Who cares...

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Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by Rosemary »

Hi Vanko

Is there any way that you can get across the water to see Dr Greenslade in Bristol - i realise this is Andreas thread about having difficulty getting hold of his secretary but if you can get an appointment with him you would find he is a kind, caring man and may be able to give you a diagnosis. Would a diagnosis here hold up in Ireland ?

Rosemary x
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Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by vanko »

Thanks Rosemary, I can't afford it now because I spend all my savings since my nightmare began, but I will try to get in touch with them to see if I could go and when. I am not sure would diagnosis from Bristol be Ok in Ireland but will be better then nothing and at least for myself will be a benefit.
I will post a thread in the welcome center with my story some day.
My apologies if I shouldn't write in this thread, this is my first time writing in such a place.

Thanks again everyone, wish you best of luck.
Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:58 pm

Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by molly »

Hi Vanko,

I think if you are looking for a doctors diagnosis you need to go to Bristol or London. Many of us have had to travel long distances at personal financial cost with this dreadful condition.

If you are in northern Ireland I would think you cluld get an nhs referral. However if you are in s. Ireland then I,m not sure. One of the vetern sufferers comes from lreland and she would probably be the best person to help you.

If you can find her you can pm her, if not start you,re thread again in the welcome box and I,m sure shd will respond.

Hope this is helpful.

Regards Molly
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:10 pm

Re: still waiting & getting nowhere

Post by vanko »

Thank you so much Molly and everyone who is trying to help, I greatly appreciate your generosity.

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