Possible Coccyx Fracture (I have photos) Need some help

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Possible Coccyx Fracture (I have photos) Need some help

Post by JohnC12 »

Just got an mri done recently on my pelvic region, I have been having urinary/scrotal pain/erectile dysfunction issues the past year and a half. My nuerologist asked me to get an MRI done. I come to find out something is wrong with my spine it looks like, I'm going to an appointment with him on tuesday, but any little help I can get from here would be great too. I'm not getting any pain except in the genitals, and I get numb on my pelvic floor, and I get other sexual dysfunctions I wont go into to much detail about. But my flacid penis is 2 inches shrunken down in length and 1 inch less thick, the penis head looks half the size it normal does and I get numbness which usually means a lack of blood to the penis.

The spine is suppose to curve in slightly towards the end of it. I think the tailbone might be fractured, or a disc might be messed up. Any ideas as to what is wrong? And anything I can do until I see the doctor again? Thank you!

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Violet M
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Re: Possible Coccyx Fracture (I have photos) Need some help

Post by Violet M »

You could try having an evaluation from a physical therapist or manual therapist who specializes in the pelvic area including alignment and structural integrity. Did you have any accidents or injuries that might have contributed to the problem -- or history of heavy exercise or pelvic procedures? Make sure they checked for tarvlov cysts on the MRI -- or any sacral nerve root impingements.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Possible Coccyx Fracture (I have photos) Need some help

Post by helen1000 »

I suggest that you go to tipna.com and find Aussie-m messages. She had as whole reason for her PN. When she found PT who could manipulate it back she get her life back after more than 4 years of suffering. Coccyx is connected to Alakock canal. (I hope I spelled it right and can be the reason of pain. But several days ago I was told by the doctor (see my RFA thread) that dislocation of coccyx (I have it too) is consequence of dislocated pelvis. You need a good doctor/PT/Chiropractor who specializes in pelvis misalignment.
I am in MI and mine seem to be helpful but I do not know in a long run.
Good Luck.

8 nerve blocks rel 6 w.Met Dr. Peters,Dr. Antolack.Dr. Peters pacemaker,Dr Antolack TG operation.Maigne s.Internal PT at Dr Peters Nothing.PFCN block rel 6 w. PFCN RFA.Nothing.SI joint RFA.Nothing.Left scar tissue removal.Good.SIJD. PT of SI joint ME, and Prolo of SI and PS.Lumbar spine facets turned left. ME. T10-12 facets too wide.T10 turned left.ME and Prolo.Labral tears in left hip, spurs.Will have operation at 09/18/13,Met with Dr Conway.EMG shows left PN problem.Good impression of Dr C.
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Re: Possible Coccyx Fracture (I have photos) Need some help

Post by Richard1969 »

Hi Helen1000-

I too live in MI. Can you share with me the physicians that have been most helpful in MI?


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