I was thinking of maybe doing nerve ablation as an alternative.
Have people tried it?
Was it a help?
Are there any physicians that do it in the NY/NY/PA area?
Nerve Albation
Nerve Albation
'08 diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis
'09 vestibulectomy-Dr. Goldstein-failed
'11 right labral repair and release-Dr. Coleman
2/10-8/12 severe depression, minimal dr appointmen
4 different physical therapists '08-'12 no improvement whatsoever
'13 pudendal nerve blocks-Dr. Chapman
More PT
Dr. Conway officially diagnosed PN/PNE 7/13
9/13 Bilateral hip repair Dr. Coleman
10/13-5/14 Major Depression, no dr appointments
More PT
6/14 Dr. Hibner confirmed diagnosis
Looking for help..hoping for answers
'09 vestibulectomy-Dr. Goldstein-failed
'11 right labral repair and release-Dr. Coleman
2/10-8/12 severe depression, minimal dr appointmen
4 different physical therapists '08-'12 no improvement whatsoever
'13 pudendal nerve blocks-Dr. Chapman
More PT
Dr. Conway officially diagnosed PN/PNE 7/13
9/13 Bilateral hip repair Dr. Coleman
10/13-5/14 Major Depression, no dr appointments
More PT
6/14 Dr. Hibner confirmed diagnosis
Looking for help..hoping for answers
Re: Nerve Albation
I was offered this by my pain management doctor. I think I have too many issues with my PN/health, to try this. The PM get rid of the pain causing small fibers I believe. Therefore, your pudendal nerve should continue to work as it did, you just lose the small pain fibers. I have not had this done. If you have nerve irritation and not an entrapment, this could help depending on why you have irritation. If you are entrapped, you might not feel the pain from it, but would still have general nerve issues I would think. Meaning less pain, but may have other issues left from entrapment. I would continue to research it and maybe get more than one opinion from PM's. Who knows though, it may be helpful for you.