Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any thoughts?

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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by calluna »

I've been told that I can take tramadol if I need to, yes. I wouldn't be taking massive doses, after all. I think they do trust me to be sensible.

But, you know, I'm wondering if this 'stupid' thing is cumulative. Because I'm still having problems, although less than that initial wave of awfulness that was so terrifying for me, literally a gap where my mind did not know where to go next - less than that, but I am still finding that I am having difficulties with problem solving, with spelling, with numbers.

As I've said, last time I took pregabalin I was a bit preoccupied to say the least, all was v stressful. And then I had surgery, and came straight off the stuff.

However right now things are also not normal, I am not firing on all cylinders because I am working to a deadline - I do have a little business now, of sorts, nothing amazing but it brings in a little bit of pin money for me. And I have a tight deadline coming up and am burning the candle at both ends in order to meet it. Unexpected lunch guest means even less time before deadline, also. So I am short of sleep. In fact, very short of sleep. And that has to be contributing to the 'stupid' thing.

So I will stick with my lifestyle changes, and when I get the tablets I'm going to even out the dose at 100mg morning and evening - this will be a slight reduction down from 225mg - and then I shall just hold it there until the current insanity is done with, and I've caught up with my sleep.

Until, as they say in Hitchhikers, We Have Normality.

And then I will see how things are. I think it will be ok. All completely fine at the moment, apart from the fact that I wish there were three more days between today and Friday.

I do hope that the pregabalin continues to help you. And I do hope that you can get more when you run out!
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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by Geraldine »

I was interested in your comments about taking Pregabalin too late in the evening and the effect in had on your sleep. I am finding that once asleep ( apart from visits to the loo to get rid of the fluid build up in the day)I think I sleep on my back without moving much. As a result I too wake up with muscle pain in my legs and pelvis. Reading your comment has made me wonder whether if I take the Pregablin much earlier in the evening this might help. It might not, as I would still be sleeping on my back all night.
I had a great struggle getting Pregabalin prescribed and had to change GP's within the practice to get it on a regular repeat. Although my current GP is not very supportive as regards helping with referrals etc she is quite happy to keep writing prescriptions for higher doses of Pregabalin - so will stick with her at present.
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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by calluna »

Geraldine - and Helen - I'd think it would be entirely possible to move your dose of pregabalin around during the day so that it suited you. And that doesn't say what I want it to say.

What do I mean - some people I've heard of taking it three times a day - or twice a day as I've been told to do - I think it possible to be flexible? and think about what might work best. Maybe if certain dose at bedtime causes problems, then reduce that dose a bit, and increase daytime dose(s) a bit to make up for it?

I would just say that taking 150mg at night makes me sleep as if I've been hit over the head, at least at the moment. I wake up in the morning and I haven't moved or even turned over all night long. This is sometimes not a good thing. Tonight, the dose goes down to 100mg and I hope to sleep more normally - not so much out-for-the-count.

Geraldine I do hope they get this fluid situation sorted out, it sounds to be very inconvenient for you. Are they sure it is caused by the pregabalin and not by any other issue?
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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by helenlegs 11 »

Yes, that makes perfect sense calluna. As I increase the dose I will definitely do as you suggest. It's a sensible option, something we should both try, thanks. As with most tablet taking it is a case of experimentation to find out what does suit. I have been told 3 times a day btw. Maybe the greater 'hits', twice a day are causing your slight problems Calluna??
As for side effects I'm still not experiencing anything like the gabapentin fogg, although I did go out yesterday and must have automatically locked the front door, even tho' my husband was in the house and we don't have the door locked during the day when home. When I came back I berated him for locking ME out!!! :roll:
Fall 2008. Misdiagnosed with lumber spine problem. MRN June 2010 indicated pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. Diagnosed with complex variant piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal entrapment's by Dr Filler 2010.Guided piriformis botox injection 2011 Bristol. 2013, Nerve conduction test positive; new spinal MRI scan negative, so diagnosed for the 4th time with pelvic nerve entrapment, now recognised as Sciatic, pudendal, PFCN and cluneal nerves at piriformis level.
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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by calluna »

Aha three times a day as standard. Hmmm, will have to see. Might I ask how much you are taking each time, Helen, and how much you've been told to step up each time?

I was told 75mg steps, start with one 75mg capsule in the evening. Not many probs with that. Next step, add one in the morning. That wasn't toooo bad re side effects. Add in a third capsule, so that was two in the evening, spaced out etc, as I said. (All this plus the topiramate going up in steps too of course. But separately, so I could tell what was doing what.)

And then I moved to 100mg caps, one in the morning and one in the evening. So that was a small reduction in overall dose from 225 down to 200mg, and levelling it out through the day - and that's been helpful I think. I'm not feeling so spaced , and that's despite the still-increasing sleep deficit. Also I do expect side effects to settle with time. (Fingers crossed.)

Roll on next Weds, after which I intend to sleep until I am all caught up.

Glad it is not so foggy chez you at the moment!
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Re: Pregabalin or duloxetine? - plus topiramate - any though

Post by janetm2 »

Calluna, FYI my Lyrica at 75 mg each is eaqually spaced throuhout the at least weekdays when I work unless I forget the 1pm, the others are wakup at 5:15am and bedtime at 9pm. I only had a few problems with a "cloud" overhead until adjusting but I think I got my other lost brain function back from switching off the neurontin. I hope you can find a good schedule for yourself. It may be that I am getting some of that tiredness you mentioned, I thought it was the water therapy twice a week as any exercise just exhausts me. Take Care
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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