Lernica, I have 2 hernias and no bulges. I have 2 holes in my abdomen and when I lay on my back the stuff that would normally push out of those holes falls back. The way they diagnosed it during the ultrasound was they had me put my mouth to the back of my hand and blow without releasing any air. That forced the "stuff" out the holes. My husband could see it on the screen from across the room.Lernica wrote:Linda,
Isn't a hernia by definition a bulge or tear in the stomach muscles? How can they diagnose a hernia if there is no bulge? Also, it was stated earlier but bears repeating that Dr. Deborah Metzinger (quoted in the NYT article) has lost her licence as a surgeon and has caused many women a great deal of unnecessary pain and suffering resulting from unnecessary "hernia" surgery.
I'm so glad that you have found a source for some of your pain and that you are moving forward with a plan.
I realize Deborah Metzinger was a bad doctor but that doesn't take away from the fact that hernias can cause pelvic pain. I don't know how she was diagnosing these hernias or what she was doing wrong but she's not treating me and so I feel pretty confident in my diagnosis. Sorry if I sound a little flippant. I'm just trying to work through some anger issues right now about all of this.