Urinary Tract infection, vaginal laceration and bleeding
Re: Urinary Tract infection, vaginal laceration and bleeding
My pain is a deep ache like yours-no burning-what has worked for u? I did try PT at one time with a great PT in NYC, but we have moved to Fl. since then. At that time, I was going for nerve blocks every other week and PT every week. I was feeling somewhat better. Two and a half weeks ago, I tried Botox again with a different doc. He didn't go up as high , and I have had no pain relief so far. Any advice for that dull deep ache like a bad toothache in the pelvis would be great. Thank you all. Krisssy
surgery 2004 for prolapsed rectum
surgery 2005 for obstruction due to abdominal scar tissue
surgery 2007 for obstruction due to abdominal scar tissue
2008-clitoral pain, arousal disorder, frequent urination began
2011-pelvic pain specialist-Dr. Robert Echenberg
MRI-Dr. Potter 8/11 showing scar formation of pudental nerve
appt. Dr. Conway-10/11
appt. for guided sedated nerve block with Dr. Quesada-10/11
appt. with Dr. Hibner-1/12