Meds and more Meds

Discuss different Pain Management Options; Medication options including side effects and Worldwide variances in names etc.
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Meds and more Meds

Post by rea »

Well, pain management upped my gapapentin from 600 2 times a day to 3 times a day.. I am finding they help with my bladder pain. The side effects are a real kicker for me. Going to start Cymbalta. Also taking Baflocan (sp.). They should give me disability just from the side effects of all these meds. I'm 10g. Going back to urologist-hoping he gives me something that helps...
I can see me now if I have to go back to teaching...OK class, turn your books to whatever page you want cause it's time for my meds and this could take a while :D
Last edited by rea on Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Re: Meds and more Meds

Post by rea »

Thank you for the link. I read it and fully agree with you. I'm new to this pain (3 months) and am willing to try anything to get some relief. But taking 3 or 4 different meds a day and some are prescribed 4 times a day is a lot for me to handle. I'd only take an overcounter pill for headache and now I'm taking them like candy. I stopped with the cymbalta and will talk to pain management about it first. I'm desperate to get better so I can go back to work before losing my job. I'm 106 lbs. now so don't think it much matters. I'm wasting away....meds or no meds. The stories on here are inspiring and heartwrenching. I don't think I have the strength some of you all have. God Bless.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Re: Meds and more Meds

Post by Princesspokie »


Gabapedin didn't do anything for me. I am finding 100mg of Lyrica 3 times a day is working. Also, antidepressant Meds help nerve medications. I am also on clanazam, fetanyal patch, vicodin and now a Marcaine suppository to help with rectual pain. I hope you find something that works for you! ~Nichole~
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Re: Meds and more Meds

Post by Bathsheba »

Rea-I can't tolerate gabapentin, so I was put on pregabalin (Lyrica). Both drugs are anti-seizure drugs. Lyrica is just a more refined version of Neurotonin. You should give gabapentin/Neurotoning more of a chance. The awful side effects will go away or minimize, believe me.

I got my PN (confirmed by nerve block) from a surgical screw up and had rectal and labial pain in the 8-9 level on a scale of 10. Fentanyl patch (75 mg.) helped some but not much when the pain was at its worst. I was amazed that the pain could break through this level of narcotics.

Now I am on no narcotics, just the Lyrica (800 mg/day), tramadol (200 mg/day) and some Xanax (3 mg. at night to sleep). The tramadol is the only pain killer which works for me. It calms down the throbbing, etc. This is the cocktail I am on. I still can't sit without a cushion for more than a few hours and have anal/labial throbbing (without pain) even with the drugs, but I am not on the floor in agony as I was before the Lyrica, etc. kicked in.

Give the gabapentin a chance before you toss it. Good luck.
Botched blowing up of bladder July/2011
Was on Lyrica 800+ Mg./day for over 2 years
Bad fall due to Lyrica dizziness, seizure
Due to low blood sugar, side effect of Lyrica
Now on gabapentin, OxyContin, tramadol
Looking for pain pump, has to be local
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Re: Meds and more Meds

Post by rea »

Thanks and I am. I talked the doctor assistant at pain management to up me from 1200 to 1800. Three days and I'm seeing a difference. Boy, was he upset to learn the neurologist I saw upped me from 100 mg 3x a day to 600 2x a day. I can see why now. That was a big jump and only taking the meds 2x a day had me in burning misery for most of day. That's why I was thinking it wasn't helping much. He did mention trying Lyrica.
I'll check on the Tramadol.
Last edited by rea on Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Re: Meds and more Meds

Post by kathyd »

Hi Bathsheba
Im writing about an older post you wrote about meds.
You have labial and rectal throbbing.. I currently suffer from incredible rectal throbbing.. which Im trying so hard to get relief from.
I tried methadone for 9mos and got up to 40mg but did not get enough relief to be able to sit at alls or to stand for long period. I have dilaudid supps that are no longer working at the higher level.

I am thinking of giving Lyrica a try,,, gave it a small try a couple mos back but thought I had a side effect and stopped.

I noticed that you got relief from it combined with Tramadol? I like the idea as there are no opiods involved...hence less side effects etc..

How long did it take to to get to a decent level that gave at least some relief? I know we are all different but wondered about trying your combo

Thanks and hope you're doing well
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