Underwear and clothes

Here we can discuss difficulties with comfort in sitting and normal living - cushions, bicycle seats, car seats, work stations etc.
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Underwear and clothes

Post by CureSeeker »

I am a male PN sufferer. I find wearing underpants, especially tight ones uncomfortable. Add to that a belt and trousers, the discomfort is increased. Especially when sitting. It's OK when I sit on the toilet but ofcourse, once you have to put on underwear and clothes, the situation is changed and the discomfort is there. That's why most of the time at home, I lounge around in loose fitting slacks, and when possible even under wear with loose elastic. Ofcourse, this is only practical in a home environment, which is where I spend most of my time now. But, when I do have to go out, I have to wear more formal attire. Walking is manageable but again, it's mainly when bending or sitting that the distress sets in.

Anyway, I was wondering if any one found more comfortable solutions.
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Location: Northern VA

Re: Underwear and clothes

Post by RJR »

Boxers by Ex-Officio worked great for me. I remember the day when my body rejected briefs.
Cyclist till perineal pain onset R side (Apr'08). Dx with PN (Aug'09). Lyrica gave 30% pain reduction. Potter MRI (Oct'10) validated at surgery with Dr Hibner (Nov'10) - found nerve attached to scarred STL. Now sitting 10 hrs/day vs 1 hr/day pre-op. Occasional MRI-guided steroid injections by Dr. Jan Fritz at Johns Hopkins. Surgery video = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FDwana6SQU

Deep neuropathic burning pain flares have been gone since surgery...Grateful to Dr Hibner.
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Re: Underwear and clothes

Post by aremwellness »

try to find use some lotion over the area. you'll feel better.
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Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:43 pm

Re: Underwear and clothes

Post by Dave »

Soft cotton briefs work OK for me. They seem to hold things in place so that there is less brushing and friction. But keeping a touch on the high end of your waist size keeps it from being too tight. During the day, boxers seem to allow to much movementA trick that could also be helpful is switching over to boxers at night to make adequate space for any nocturnal erections.
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Re: Underwear and clothes

Post by blightcp »

I wore breifs all my life until the pudendal nerve occued, i now use boxers if i am around the hose and cotton breifs if there is a chance that where i am going is going to be hot. Sweat is my enemy it triggers hyper sensativiy for me.

my advice is try diffrent brands untill you get one that works best for you. Also if i am home i somtimes just dont wear anything under soft comfortable shorts.
PN by sedentary job and commute
Treated for IlioInguinal pain 2008-10
PT by Dr. Conway's team | 3 PN blocks @ Elliott in Manchester USA
TIR 2010 and TG by Dr. Conway in May of 2012 uncovered nerve damage, declared surgical failure in May of 2014
PT and bed rest continues
Employer refused accommodations in 8/13, now in the disability war.
Sacrial Stimulator 9/14 by Dr. Ross Boston MA
Anesthetic pain pump trial 3/16/15 by Dr. Ross
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