period type cramps way past menopause

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period type cramps way past menopause

Post by mcbraylor »

Hi again..Anyone here with period type cramps but way past menopause. Have lots of other symptoms that seem like I have PNE
I have yet to get dx but pretty sure this it. Does it come and go? I do need to know that. I will get this for about 3-6 weeks at a time.
I can go long periods of time without it and then whoops it is back........
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Violet M
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Re: period type cramps way past menopause

Post by Violet M »

For some people symptoms can come and go. I did not experience period-type cramps with PN.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: period type cramps way past menopause

Post by HerMajesty »

My grandmother had that issue in her 70's and it was NOT PNE; she had a couple of outpatient D&C's that didn't help, but finally a specialist did a more deep / thorough D&C under general anesthesia as a hospital inpatient procedure, and it resolved for her. But she also did not have any additional PNE like symptoms, so I am not sure if your situation is the same.
pelvic pain started 1985 age 14 interstitial cystitis. Refused medical care from age 17, did GREAT with self care for years.
2004 PN started gradually, disabled by 2009. Underlying cause SIJD & Tarlov cysts
improved with PT & meds: neurontin, valium, nortriptyline, propanolol. (off nortriptyline & propanolol now, yay!)
Tarlov cyst surgery with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum March 20, 2012.
Results have been excellent so far; but I won't know my final functional level for a couple of years.
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