
Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Post by Ezzl »

Hi my Pn friends

I have been getting frequent bladder infections once a week and was told the nerve is causing this does any one know about this?
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Re: Bladder

Post by calluna »

Never come across that one before - I've had repeated infections myself. Unless you are getting a degree of urinary retention because of the nerve issues? - that could cause it, and maybe that's what they mean.

I have a suspicion that tramadol has been exacerbating the urinary retention, in my case - apparently it is fairly common with opiates and related meds. Not sure about this yet, but have cut out the tramadol and am waiting to see if things improve.

I hope they've got you on some good antibiotics.
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Re: Bladder

Post by HerMajesty »

Absolutely - I have excess resdiual urine, meaning when I feel like I have emptied my bladder there is still more urine in there, and that is neurogenic in origin and causes me to have frequent bladder infections. The reason is relatively simple: Urine is supposed to be sterile but bacteria do try to creep from the outside up in through the urethra. Urinating flushes out any bacteria trying to enter. But with excess residual, there is always some urine stagnating in the bladder which can become a breeding ground for bacteria. That in mind, here is what I do to minimize bladder infections (and I still do get them):
-drink lots of water. LOTS. double or triple what you take in now.
-Acidify your urine with vitamin C, cranberry juice or cranberry pills, etc. bacteria do not grow well in an acidic environment.
-The next advice is for females and I don't know your gender but here goes, just in case: Get an RX for a urinary antibiotic such as macrobid or bactrim, and take one dose only after sex, tampon use, or swimming pool use - or any other "triggers' you notice for infection - those are mine. The single dose prevents infection and hence keeps you from needing a whole course of antibiotics after an infection starts. You should also take probiotics (sold over the counter) regularly, since antibiotics predispose to yeast infections.
-some people have such bad residual that they need one antibiotic pill daily just to prevent infection. Try very hard to avoid being in this position (drink lots and acidify your urine lots!), because the yeast overgrowth issue is bad (in men too, you can overgrow yeast in your digestive tract).
-Some Urologists recommend self catheterization for excess residual but i have always refused it because as an invasive procedure I believe it would likely increase, not decrease, the number of infections.
-Often if you can discipline yourself into the habit, "double voiding" works well to get rid of residual - that is, after you think you have emptied your bladder, return to the toilet and try again in 10 minutes. A lot more will empty than you would have been able to produce in ten minutes, because the residual will empty too. This does not work for everyone; some people feel unable to urinate unless they are very "full". And lazy people like me just never pick up the habit.
-Flomax might work, it is an RX you can ask a urologist about. It is usually used for urinary difficulties in males with enlarged prostate, but the surgeon who did my tarlov cyst surgery gives it to all patients, both genders, post-op to reduce urinary retention. The med made me sick so I don't know if it would have worked; but that is a rare reaction, people usually tolerate the drug well.
Hope this helped!
pelvic pain started 1985 age 14 interstitial cystitis. Refused medical care from age 17, did GREAT with self care for years.
2004 PN started gradually, disabled by 2009. Underlying cause SIJD & Tarlov cysts
improved with PT & meds: neurontin, valium, nortriptyline, propanolol. (off nortriptyline & propanolol now, yay!)
Tarlov cyst surgery with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum March 20, 2012.
Results have been excellent so far; but I won't know my final functional level for a couple of years.
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Re: Bladder

Post by calluna »

HM - that has certainly helped me. Thankyou! :)
Posts: 64
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Re: Bladder

Post by Ezzl »

Thankyou very much for your words of advice.

I have an appointment with my urologist tom tue so see what he says. So I'll let u know what happens.

Im also deciding if I should go ahead with the trams glutul approach. I had the Tir releases done 3 years ago with no luck

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Re: Bladder

Post by lulu »

Regarding urine retention. I read recently an article by a doctor who said that the best way for women to empty their bladders was to lean forward on their knees as if reading the paper when urinating. I have tried this and it works well for me. Sometimes after leaning forward, I sit up straight, then lean forward again. It has helped me a lot.
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